Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services REST API
  3. Platform REST API version 2 resources
  4. Platform REST API version 3 resources
  5. Data Integration REST API
  6. File Ingestion and Replication REST API
  7. Streaming Ingestion and Replication REST API
  8. Model Serve REST API
  9. RunAJob utility
  10. ParamSetCli utility
  11. REST API codes
  12. REST API resource quick references

REST API Reference

REST API Reference

Visio templates

Visio templates

Use this resource to request the details for a Visio template or the details of all Visio templates in the organization. You can update a Visio template and request a list of
tasks that use the template. You can also delete a Visio template.
As of the July 2024 release, new Visio templates are not supported. You can't create new Visio templates or create or edit mapping tasks based on Visio templates. However, you can still update your existing Visio templates and run mapping tasks based on Visio templates.

GET Request

To request the details of all Visio templates in the organization, use the following URI:
To request the details of a particular Visio template, include the Visio template ID or Visio template name in the URI. Use one of the following URIs:
If you use the Visio template name in the URI and the Visio template name includes a space, replace the space with
. For example:
To request a list of
tasks that use a Visio template, use the Visio template ID in the following URI:

GET Response

If successful, returns the masterTemplate object for the requested Visio template. If you request the details for all Visio templates, returns the masterTemplate object without parameter details for every Visio template in the organization.
Returns the error object if errors occur.
The masterTemplate object includes the following attributes:
Visio template ID.
Organization ID.
Visio template name.
Description of the Visio template.
Time the Visio template was created.
Last time the Visio template was updated.
User who created the Visio template.
User who last updated the Visio template.
ID of the Visio template XML file.
ID of the Visio template image file.
Parameters used in the Visio template. Includes an mtParameter object for each parameter.
Included in the mtParameter object.
Parameter ID.
Included in the mtParameter object.
Parameter name.
Included in the mtParameter object.
Parameter label.
Included in the mtParameter object.
Parameter type.
Included in the mtParameter object.
Parameter description.
Included in the mtParameter object.
Mapplet ID for mapplet type parameters.
Included in the mtParameter object.
Display property for the parameter. Includes the following information:
  • cnxtype. Connection type for the parameter.
  • logcnx. Logical connection.
  • order. Display order.
  • wizstep. Wizard step to display the parameter.
  • default. Default value.
  • visible. Whether the parameter is visible.
  • editable. Whether the parameter is editable.
  • required. Whether the parameter is required.
  • paramtype. UI control type for string parameters. Returns one of the following responses:
    • Condition. Filter condition input control.
    • Expression. Expression editor input control.
    • Field. Field selection input control.
    • Fieldmap. Field mapping input control. Includes the following attributes:
      • lefttitle. Left title for the field mapping display.
      • righttitle. Right title for the field mapping display.
      • leftfs. Set of fields to display in the left table of the field mapping display.
      • rightfs. Set of fields to display in the right table of the field mapping display.
      • leftfilter. Regular expression to limit the fields that display in the left table of the field mapping display.
      • rightfilter. Regular expression to limit the fields that display in the right table of the field mapping display.
      • staticlist. List of fields to display on the right side of the field mapping display.
General and performance session properties for the task. Can include values for the following attributes:
  • Write Backward Compatible Session Log File. Writes the session log to a file
  • Session Log File Name. Name for the session log.
  • Session Log File Directory. Directory where the session log is saved.
  • $Source Connection Value. Source connection name.
  • $Target Connection Value. Target connection name.
  • Treat Source Rows as. When the
    task reads source data, it marks each row with an indicator to specify the operation to perform when the row reaches the target:
    • Insert. All rows are marked for insert into the target.
    • Update. All rows are marked for update in the target.
    • Delete. All rows are marked for delete from the target.
    • Data Driven. The task uses the Update Strategyobject in the data flow to mark the operation for each source row.
  • Commit Type. Commit type to use:
    • Source. Performs commits based on the number of source rows.
    • Target. Performs commits based on the number of target rows.
    • User Defined. Performs commits based on the commit logic defined in the Visio template.
    If you do not configure a commit type, the task performs a target commit.
  • Commit Interval. Interval in rows between commits. If you do not configure a commit interval, the task commits every 10,000 rows.
  • Commit on End of File. Commits data at the end of the file. Returns true or false.
  • Rollback Transactions on Errors. If the task encounters a non-fatal error, you can choose to roll back the transaction at the next commit point.
    When the task encounters a transformation error, it rolls back the transaction if the error occurs after the effective transaction generator for the target.
  • Java Classpath. Java classpath to use.
  • DTM Buffer Size. Amount of memory allocated to the task from the DTM process.
  • Incremental Aggregation. Performs incremental aggregation. Returns true or false.
  • Reinitialize Aggregate Cache. Overwrites existing aggregate files for an incremental aggregation task. Returns true or false.
  • Enable High Precision. Processes the Decimal data type to a precision of 28. Returns true or false.
  • Session Retry on Deadlock. The
    task retries a write on the target when a deadlock occurs. Returns true or false.
Metadata for the
task wizard steps. Includes an mtWizardStep object for each step.
Included in the mtWizardStep object.
Name of the step.
Included in the mtWizardStep object.
The title of the step, displayed in the
task wizard user interface.

POST Request

To update a Visio template, use the Visio template ID in the following URI.
You can submit a partial update using partial mode. If you want to update a field in the mtParameter object using partial mode, you must include the name or type fields. To submit a request using partial mode, use a JSON request and include the following line in the header:
You can use the following attributes in a
Name of the Visio template.
Description of the Visio template.
Visio template XML file ID.
Use the ID returned when you upload the file to the organization with the fileRecord resource.
Visio template image file ID.
This ID is returned when you upload the file to the organization with the fileRecord resource.
Object that defines parameters associated with the template. Use an mtParameter object to define each parameter.
Include in the mtParameter object.
Key field for the mtParameter collection.
Parameter name.
Include in the mtParameter object.
Parameter label.
Include in the mtParameter object.
Key field for the mtParameter collection.
Parameter type. Use one of the following values:
Include in the mtParameter object.
Parameter description.
Include in the mtParameter object.
Mapplet ID for mapplet type parameters.
Include in the mtParameter object.
Display property for the parameter. Use a UIPropertyType object to define the following display properties:
  • cnxtype. Connection type for the parameter. Use a valid connection type. For more information, see the connection resource.
  • logcnx. Logical connection.
  • order. Display order.
  • wizstep. Wizard step to display the parameter.
  • default. Default value.
  • visible. Whether the parameter is visible. Use True or False.
  • editable. Whether the parameter is editable. Use True or False.
  • required. Whether the parameter is required. Use True or False.
  • paramtype. UI control type for string parameters. Use one of the following values:
    • Condition. Filter condition input control.
    • Expression. Expression editor input control.
    • Field. Field selection input control.
    • Fieldmap. Field mapping input control. Include the following attributes:
      • lefttitle. Left title for the field mapping display.
      • righttitle. Right title for the field mapping display.
      • leftfs. Set of fields to display in the left table of the field mapping display.
      • rightfs. Set of fields to display in the right table of the field mapping display.
      • leftfilter. Regular expression to limit the fields that display in the left table of the field mapping display.
      • rightfilter. Regular expression to limit the fields that display in the right table of the field mapping display.
      • staticlist. List of fields to display on the right side of the field mapping display. Use instead of rightfs.
        List field names and associated data types separated by a line break or semicolon.
Include in the mtParameter object.
General and performance session properties for the task. Can include values for the following attributes:
  • Write Backward Compatible Session Log File. Writes the session log to a file
  • Session Log File Name. Name for the session log.
  • Session Log File Directory. Directory where the session log is saved.
  • $Source Connection Value. Source connection name.
  • $Target Connection Value. Target connection name.
  • Treat Source Rows as. When the
    task reads source data, it marks each row with an indicator to specify the operation to perform when the row reaches the target:
    • Insert. All rows are marked for insert into the target.
    • Update. All rows are marked for update in the target.
    • Delete. All rows are marked for delete from the target.
    • Data Driven. The task uses the Update Strategyobject in the data flow to mark the operation for each source row.
  • Commit Type. Commit type to use:
    • Source. Performs commits based on the number of source rows.
    • Target. Performs commits based on the number of target rows.
    • User Defined. Performs commits based on the commit logic defined in the Visio template.
    If you do not configure a commit type, the task performs a target commit.
  • Commit Interval. Interval in rows between commits. If you do not configure a commit interval, the task commits every 10,000 rows.
  • Commit on End of File. Commits data at the end of the file. Returns true or false.
  • Rollback Transactions on Errors. If the task encounters a non-fatal error, you can choose to roll back the transaction at the next commit point.
    When the task encounters a transformation error, it rolls back the transaction if the error occurs after the effective transaction generator for the target.
  • Java Classpath. Java classpath to use.
  • DTM Buffer Size. Amount of memory allocated to the task from the DTM process.
  • Incremental Aggregation. Performs incremental aggregation. Returns true or false.
  • Reinitialize Aggregate Cache. Overwrites existing aggregate files for an incremental aggregation task. Returns true or false.
  • Enable High Precision. Processes the Decimal data type to a precision of 28. Returns true or false.
  • Session Retry on Deadlock. The
    task retries a write on the target when a deadlock occurs. Returns true or false.
Metadata for the
task wizard steps. Include an mtWizardStep object for each step.
Included in the mtWizardStep object.
Name of the step.
Included in the mtWizardStep object.
The title of the step, displayed in the
task wizard user interface.

POST Response

If the request to update a Visio template is successful, returns the master template object for the Visio template that you updated.
Returns the error code if errors occur.

DELETE Request

To delete a Visio template, use the Visio template ID in the following URI:

DELETE Response

Returns the 200 response code if the request is successful.
Returns the error object if errors occur.

GET Example

To request a list of tasks that use a Visio template with an ID of 000043T1000003G, you might use the following request:
GET <serverUrl>/api/v2/masterTemplate/000043T1000003G/tasks Accept: application/xml icSessionId: <icSessionId>
If successful, returns the mtTask object with id, orgId, name, and masterTemplateId for each task that uses the Visio template.


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