Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services REST API
  3. Platform REST API version 2 resources
  4. Platform REST API version 3 resources
  5. Data Integration REST API
  6. File Ingestion and Replication REST API
  7. Streaming Ingestion and Replication REST API
  8. Model Serve REST API
  9. RunAJob utility
  10. ParamSetCli utility
  11. REST API codes
  12. REST API resource quick references

REST API Reference

REST API Reference

Deleting Visio templates and image files

Deleting Visio templates and image files

Use this resource to delete a Visio template XML file or image file from the organization.
As of the July 2024 release, new Visio templates are not supported. You can't create new Visio templates or create or edit mapping tasks based on Visio templates. However, you can still update your existing Visio templates and run mapping tasks based on Visio templates.

DELETE Request

You can delete a Visio template XML or image file if the Visio template is not used by a Visio template.
To delete a file, use the file ID in the following URI:

DELETE Response

Returns the 200 response code if the request is successful.
Returns the error object if errors occur.


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