Address Verification (On-Premises)
- Address Verification (On-Premises) 5.12.0
- All Products
Alternatively, you can call parameters from an external file as shown in the following example.AD_SetParametersXML(hAOHandle, "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='iso-8859-1' ?>\n" "<!DOCTYPE Parameters SYSTEM 'Parameters.dtd'>\n" "<Parameters>\n" "<Process Mode='BATCH' />\n" "<AddressElementStandardize>\n" "<Country Casing='UPPER' />\n" "</AddressElementStandardize>\n" "</Parameters>\n", NULL, NULL );
AD_SetParametersXML( hAOHandle, NULL, NULL, "Parameters.xml" );
Alternatively, you can call parameters from an external file as shown in the following example.// This code assumes that you have already acquired m_oAO as the active AddressObject m_oAO.setParametersXML( "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-16LE' ?>\n" + "<Parameters>\n" + "<Process Mode='BATCH'/>\n" + // Java uses UTF-16LE as default encoding for its String method "<Input Encoding='UTF-16LE'/>" + "<Result Encoding='UTF-16LE'/>" + "<AddressElementStandardize> \n" + "<Country Casing='UPPER' />\n" + "</AddressElementStandardize> \n" + "</Paramaters>", null );
// This code assumes that you have already acquired m_oAO as the active AddressObject m_oAO.setParametersXML( null, "Parameters.xml" );
AD_Initialize( "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='iso-8859-1' ?>\n" "<!DOCTYPE SetConfig SYSTEM 'SetConfig.dtd'>\n" "<SetConfig>\n" "<General />\n" "<UnlockCode>(Enter Code here)</UnlockCode>\n" "<DataBase CountryISO3='ALL' Type='BATCH_INTERACTIVE' Path='/ADDB' PreloadingType='NONE'/>\n" "</SetConfig>\n", NULL, "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='iso-8859-1' ?>\n" "<!DOCTYPE Parameters SYSTEM 'Parameters.dtd'>\n" "<Parameters>\n" "<Process Mode='BATCH' />\n" "<AddressElementStandardize>\n" "<Country Casing='UPPER' />\n" "</AddressElementStandardize>\n" "</Parameters>\n", NULL );
AD_Initialize( NULL, "SetConfig.xml", NULL, "Parameters.xml" );
AddressDoctor.initialize( "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-16' ?>"+ "<!DOCTYPE SetConfig SYSTEM 'SetConfig.dtd'>"+ "<SetConfig><General WriteXMLEncoding='UTF-16' />"+ " <UnlockCode>(Enter Code here)</UnlockCode>"+ " <DataBase CountryISO3='ALL' Type='BATCH_INTERACTIVE'"+ " Path='/ADDB' PreloadingType='NONE' />"+ "</SetConfig>", null, "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-16' ?>"+ "<!DOCTYPE SetConfig SYSTEM 'Parameters.dtd'>"+ "<Parameters WriteXMLEncoding='UTF-16'>"+ " <Input Encoding='UTF-16' />"+ " <Result Encoding='UTF-16' />"+ "</Parameters>", null);