Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Getting Started with Informatica Address Verification (On-Premises)
  3. General Settings
  4. Input Parameters
  5. Process Parameters
  6. Address Enrichments
  7. Result Parameters
  8. Output Fields
  9. Assessment Codes and Return Codes
  10. Frequently Asked Questions
  11. Geocode Countries

Developer Guide (On-Premises)

Developer Guide (On-Premises)

Address Elements and Address Line Elements

Address Elements and Address Line Elements

You can enter and receive addresses as address elements and address line elements.
You can enter, or receive in the result, the following address elements:
  • Building
  • Contact
  • Country
  • Delivery service
  • Locality
  • Number
  • Organization
  • Postal Code
  • Province
  • Residue
  • Street
  • Subbuilding
Many of these elements can contain multiple levels of information. For example, the locality element supports up to six levels of information. The contact element supports three levels.
You can also enter or receive address information as address lines. Informatica Address Verification supports the following address line formats:
CountrySpecificLocalityLine (CSLLN)
Contains information such as locality, postal code, province, and country details. Address Verification supports up to six lines of country specific locality line information.
DeliveryAddressLine (DAL)
Contains the delivery information such as street, house number, building, and delivery service information. Address Verification supports up to six lines of delivery address line information.
FormattedAddressLine (FAL)
Contains unfielded data that includes, recipient information, delivery address information, and locality information. Address Verification supports up to 19 lines of formatted address line information.
Contains the recipient information such as contact or organization name. Address Verification supports up to six lines of recipient information.
Address Verification also supports an
element that contains the complete address in a single string. Address Verification uses delimiters to separate the address elements within the AddressComplete element.


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