Address Verification (On-Premises)
- Address Verification (On-Premises) 5.9.0
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| Address Code
| Description
| DEU_AGS | The Amtliche Gemeindeschlüssel (AGS) is a variable length code that uniquely identifies a locality in Germany. An AGS code might return more than one level of locality information.
For example, a DEU_AGS code with a value of 07338018 fetches the following result:
Locality: Maxdorf
Province: Rheinland-Pfalz
| DEU_LOCALITY_ID | The Locality ID is a variable length code that uniquely identifies a German locality.
For example, a DEU_LocalityID code with a value of 68015519 fetches the following result:
Locality: Maxdorf
Province: Rheinland-Pfalz
| DEU_STREET_ID | The Street ID is a variable length code that uniquely identifies a German street address.
For example, a DEU_StreetID code with a value of 100560690 fetches the following result:
| JPN_CHOUMEI_AZA_CODE | The Choumei Aza code is an 11-digit code that defines a unique delivery point for Japan addresses.
For example, a JPN_CHOUMEI_AZA_CODE of 28201160001 fetches the following result:
You can use the Choumei Aza code in address code lookup mode to find the current version of an address. For more information, see
Extended Archives and Japan Addresses.
| JPN_CHOUMEI_AZA_GAIKU_CODE | The Choumei Aza code is an 11-digit code that defines a unique delivery point for Japan addresses. The Gaiku code is a four-digit code that identifies a city block in Japan. The combined Choumei Aza code and Gaiku code helps you to retrieve more accurate addresses from Address Verification.
South Korea
| KOR_ADDRESS_ID | The address ID for South Korea addresses is a unique string that Address Verification assigns to a South Korea addresses. You can retrieve the address ID as an enrichment to archived South Korea addresses. You then use the address ID in the address code lookup mode to retrieve a different version of the address.
For more information, see
Extended Archives and South Korea Addresses.
| SRB_PAK | The Postal Address Code (PAK) is a six digit code that defines a unique Serbian address to the street level.
For example, a SRB_PAK code with a value of 251133 fetches the following result:
South Africa
| ZAF_NADID | The National Address Database (NAD) ID is a unique numeric ID assigned to a South Africa street address.
For example, a ZAF_NADID code with a value of 2170232 fetches the following result:
United Kingdom
| GBR_UDPRN | The Unique Delivery Point Reference Number (UDPRN) is an eight-character code that uniquely identifies a postal address in the Royal Mail PAF database.
For example, a GBR_UDPRN code with a value of 15511432 fetches the following result:
United Kingdom
| GBR_UPRN | Unique Property Reference Number (UPRN) is a numeric code that uniquely identifies a land or property unit in the United Kingdom. For example, a GBR_UPRN code with a value of 151117706 fetches the following result: