Creating an Address Verification Job in the Data Quality Center

Creating an Address Verification Job in the Data Quality Center

Creating a Job for the Address Verification Interface

Creating a Job for the Address Verification Interface

To submit a service job to Address Verification, log into the Data Quality Center and complete the fields in the job creation wizard.
  1. From the Data Quality Center main menu, select
    Manage Jobs
    Create a Batch Cleansing Job in the Cloud
    Create a Batch Cleansing Job in the Cloud
    page appears.
    The following image shows the
    Create a Batch Cleansing Job in the Cloud
  2. Enter the following information:
    • A reference code for the job. You can create a code up to 20 characters in length.
    • Your email address. Address Verification sends all notifications about the job to the address that you enter.
  3. Select a language in which to receive the job report. You can receive the report in English or German. By default, Address Verification sends you the report in English.
  4. Optionally, enter a description of the job. Do not include processing instructions in the description.
  5. Click
    Upload a File
    page appears.
    The following image shows the
    Upload a File
  6. Select the address data file that Address Verification will analyze.
    You can upload a delimited text file up to 100 MB in size and with a file name of up to 100 characters. The 100-character limit includes the file extension. You cannot upload a fixed-width file or a file in the Microsoft Excel or Microsoft Access format.
  7. Optionally, enter a description of the file. Do not include processing instructions in the description.
  8. Click
    Define Data Structure
    page appears.
    The following image shows the
    Define Data Structure
  9. Identify the following input file properties:
    • The character set that the file uses.
    • The delimiter that the file uses.
    • Any text marker that the file uses.
    • Whether the first row in the file contains field names.
    Address Verification returns the job results with the delimiter and the text marker that you specify.
    You can specify a preferred character script for the address verification results on the
    Processing Options
    page of the wizard. Address Verification returns the data in ISO 8859-1 when you specify a Latin character set and in UTF-8 for all other character sets.
  10. Optionally, add one or more field names to the input file, or update one or more field names.
  11. Verify the data structure in the data preview.
    Use the data preview to verify that Address Verification reads the file contents correctly, including any field names, and to confirm the details that you specified.
    As you define the data structure, the data preview refreshes to display the format and the structure that Address Verification will apply to the input data.
  12. Click
    Processing Options
    page appears.
    The following image shows the
    Processing Options
  13. Review the processing options, and update the options to suit the job that you want Address Verification to perform.
    You can configure the following options:
    • Preferred script. Determines the character set that Address Verification uses for the output file data. Default is DATABASE. The DATABASE option uses the default character set from the reference data.
    • Street with number. Determines whether Address Verification adds house number information to the street information in the Street field. Default is NO.
    • Preferred language. Determines the language that Address Verification uses for the output file data in cases where the reference data contains information for one or more fields in multiple languages. Default is DATABASE. The DATABASE option uses the default language from the reference data.
    • Global casing. Determines the character case of the output data. Default is NATIVE. The NATIVE option uses the default case from the reference data.
      The NOCHANGE option deactivates the standardization routines that Address Verification might apply to the character case. NOCHANGE does not guarantee that the verified data will match the case of the input data.
    • Element abbreviation. Determines whether Address Verification abbreviates descriptive and directional terms such as road, street, north, and south. Default is NO.
    • Dual address priority. Determines whether Address Verification returns street information or post office box information for an address in which both types of information are available. Default is POSTAL ADMIN. The default option returns the information that the local postal service prefers.
    • Matching extended archive. Determines whether Address Verification verifies noncurrent addresses in the input data. An address is non-current when the postal authority recognizes a newer version of the address as the current address for a delivery point. Address Verification can verify non-current addresses in countries that support older addresses. For example, at the time of publication, Address Verification supports non-current addresses in Japan and South Korea. Default is NO. By default, Address Verification verifies the current version of each address. If you select YES, Address Verification validates and corrects each input address against the corresponding version of the address in the reference data.
      Address Verification does not verify or correct a non-current address against the current version or return the current version in place of a non-current version.
    • Country type. Determines the language and character set in which Address Verification returns the data in a Country field. The option also applies to country data in a Formatted Address field. Default is NAME_EN (English).
    • Matching scope. Determines the level of detail to which Address Verification verifies an address. Default is ALL. The default option verifies all possible address elements.
    • Matching alternatives. Determines whether Address Verification reads synonyms and archived address element names from the reference data. Default is ALL.
    • Alias street. Determines whether Address Verification verifies alternative street names in the input file data and preserves the names in the output data. Default is OFFICIAL. The default option returns the official name of each street in the output data.
    • Alias locality. Determines whether Address Verification verifies alternative locality names in the input file data and preserves the names in the output data. Default is OFFICIAL. The default option returns the official name of each locality in the output data.
    • Global preferred descriptor. Determines whether Address Verification abbreviates street, building, and sub-building element descriptors in the countries that support the abbreviations. Default is DATABASE. The default option returns the element descriptor that the reference data specifies.
      If you set a non-default option, the global preferred descriptor takes precedence over the element abbreviation for the affected countries.
    • Standardize invalid addresses. Determines whether Address Verification standardizes data in addresses that it cannot verify or correct for deliverability. Default is NO.
  14. Click
    Enrichments and Supplementary Data
    page appears.
    The following image shows the
    Enrichments and Supplementary Data
  15. Optionally, select the enrichments to add to the output address records.
    You can add the following enrichments:
    • CAMEO data
    • Geocoordinates
  16. Optionally, add supplementary data to your address records.
    Address Verification can add supplementary data for addresses in several countries. Check the list of countries on the
    Enrichments and Supplementary Data
    page for countries that match your data.
    Geocoding and CAMEO enrichments require additional transactions.
  17. Optionally, update your address data from the current postal authority lists of recent address changes and recently deceased contacts.
    You can update addresses in Austria, Germany, and Switzerland. To perform the updates, your address must contain contact information.
  18. Click
    Field Assignments
    page appears.
    Address Verification uses the field assignments that you specify to compare your address data to reference data from the country that the address specifies.
    The following image shows sample field assignments on the
    Field Assignments
  19. Describe the address structure. You can select one of the following descriptions:
    • Fielded addresses. Every field in the input address records contains data for a single address element.
    • Partially-fielded addresses. Some fields in the input address records contain data for a single address element, whereas other fields contain data for multiple address elements. For example, the address records might store all street information in a single field and store city, province, and post code information in discrete fields.
    • Unfielded addresses. The input address records store the address data in a small number of fields. For example, the address records might store all street information in one field and store city, province, and post code information in another field.
  20. Optionally, apply the assignments from the most recent job that you defined to the current job.
    Or, assign the fields in your input file to the Address Verification address elements.
    To assign a field to an address element, find the names of the address elements that correspond to the fields in the input file. Then, drag each address element to the corresponding field.
    If you did not specify field names for the input file, you must understand the contents of each column in the input file. Consider returning to the
    Define Data Structure
    page to add field names. You can use the Preview option to verify the names. Click
    to return to the current page.
  21. Optionally, specify a default country for any input address that does not contain country information. Address Verification compares the address to reference data for the country that you select.
    Use the
    Specify Default Country
    option to specify the country.
  22. Optionally, specify the destination country for all addresses in the file. Address Verification compares each address to the reference data for the country that you select, regardless of the country information in the address.
    Use the
    Force Country
    option to specify the country.
  23. Click
    page appears.
    The following image shows the
  24. Review the job settings that you configured.
    • To accept the settings and submit the job, click
    • To change any of the settings, click
      and return to the earlier page.


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