Data Engineering Integration
- Data Engineering Integration 10.5.6
- All Products
| Description
| Name of the cloud provisioning configuration.
| ID of the cloud provisioning configuration. Default: Same as the cloud provisioning configuration name.
| Optional. Description of the cloud provisioning configuration.
AWS Access Key ID
| Optional. ID of the AWS access key, which AWS uses to control REST or HTTP query protocol requests to AWS service APIs.
If you do not specify a value, Informatica attempts to follow the Default Credential Provider Chain.
AWS Secret Access Key
| Secret component of the AWS access key.
Required if you specify the AWS Access Key ID.
| Region in which to create the cluster. This must be the region in which the VPC is running.
Use AWS region values. For a list of acceptable values, see AWS documentation.
The region where you want to create the cluster can be different from the region in which the Informatica domain is installed.