Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Introduction to Big Data Streaming
  3. Big Data Streaming Configuration
  4. Sources in a Streaming Mapping
  5. Targets in a Streaming Mapping
  6. Streaming Mappings
  7. Window Transformation
  8. Appendix A: Connections
  9. Appendix B: Data Type Reference
  10. Appendix C: Sample Files

Big Data Streaming User Guide

Big Data Streaming User Guide

Flat Data Types

Flat Data Types

The following table lists the Flat data types that Data Integration Service supports and the corresponding transformation data types:
Flat Data Type
Transformation Type
The elements in the array are of string data type. The elements in the array are delimited by commas. For example, an array of fruits is represented as [apple,banana,orange]
16 bytes Jan 1, 0001 A.D. to Dec 31, 9999 A.D. Precision of 29, scale of 9 (precision to the nanosecond) Combined date/time value.
Decimal value with declared precision and scale. Scale must be less than or equal to precision.
For transformations that support precision up to 38 digits, the precision is 1 to 38 digits, and the scale is 0 to 38.
For transformations that support precision up to 28 digits, the precision is 1 to 28 digits, and the scale is 0 to 28. If you specify the precision greater than the maximum number of digits, the Data Integration Service converts decimal values to double in high precision mode.
-2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647 Precision 10, scale 0
1 to 104,857,600 characters
1 to 255 characters
Aug. 1, 1947 A.D to Dec. 31, 2040 A.D. -12:00 to +14:00 Precision of 36 and scale of 9. (precision to the nanosecond) Timestamp with Time Zone data type does not support the following time zone regions:- AFRICA_CAIRO- AFRICA_MONROVIA- EGYPT- AMERICA_MONTREAL


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