

Introduction to Informatica Cloud Data Profiling

Introduction to Informatica Cloud Data Profiling

Informatica Cloud
Data Profiling
is one of several services available in
Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services
Data Profiling
is an on-demand subscription service that you can use to create
data profiling
tasks. You can create and run a
data profiling
task on a data source to determine the quality of data and understand the completeness, conformity, and consistency of data.
When you log in to
Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services
, the
My Services
page displays the services that apply to
Data Profiling
. The
My Services
page might also include other services that you subscribe to and trial versions of other services.
The following services apply to
Data Profiling
  • Administrator
    . Perform administrative tasks such as creating users and managing privileges, downloading Secure Agents and configuring runtime environments, configuring connections, managing licenses, and creating schedules. For more information about the administrative tasks, see
    in the Administrator help.
  • Data Quality. Create rule specifications and dictionaries. You can add one or more rule specifications to a
    data profiling
    task in
    Data Profiling
    . For information about creating rule specifications, see
    Rule Specifications
    in the Data Quality help.
  • Monitor
    . Check the status of tasks that are in progress and tasks that have completed. For more information about monitoring jobs, see
    in the Monitor help.
  • Operational Insights
    . View the performance and operational efficiency of
    data profiling
    tasks across your enterprise. View enterprise health, domain-level analytics, job and workflow statistics, and node-level resource consumption.
The following image shows the
My Services
page with some of the services that apply to
Data Profiling
The image shows the My Services page which contains the Data Profiling, Data Integration, Administrator, Data Quality, and Monitor services.


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