Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Part 1: Version 10.5.6
  3. Part 2: Version 10.5.5 - 10.5.5.x
  4. Part 3: Version 10.5.4 - 10.5.4.x
  5. Part 4: Version 10.5.3 - 10.5.3.x
  6. Part 5: Version 10.5.2 -
  7. Part 6: Version 10.5.1 -
  8. Part 7: Versions 10.5 -
  9. Part 8: Versions 10.4.1 -
  10. Part 9: Versions 10.4 -
  11. Part 10: Versions 10.2.2 - 10.2.2 HotFix 1
  12. Part 11: Version 10.2.1
  13. Part 12: Version 10.2 - 10.2 HotFix 2

What's New and Changed (10.5.6)

What's New and Changed (10.5.6)

Mapping Run-time Properties

Mapping Run-time Properties

This section lists changes to mapping-run time properties.

Execution Environment

Effective in version 10.2, you can configure the Reject File Directory as a new property in the Hadoop Execution Environment.
Reject File Directory
The directory for Hadoop mapping files on HDFS when you run mappings in the Hadoop environment.
The Blaze engine can write reject files to the Hadoop environment for flat file, HDFS, and Hive targets. The Spark and Hive engines can write reject files to the Hadoop environment for flat file and HDFS targets.
Choose one of the following options:
  • On the Data Integration Service machine. The Data Integration Service stores the reject files based on the RejectDir system parameter.
  • On the Hadoop Cluster. The reject files are moved to the reject directory configured in the Hadoop connection. If the directory is not configured, the mapping will fail.
  • Defer to the Hadoop Connection. The reject files are moved based on whether the reject directory is enabled in the Hadoop connection properties. If the reject directory is enabled, the reject files are moved to the reject directory configured in the Hadoop connection. Otherwise, the Data Integration Service stores the reject files based on the RejectDir system parameter.


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