When you prepare to enable Kerberos authentication, you must determine the required service principal level. The required service principal level determines the procedures you must follow to prepare to enable Kerberos authentication in the domain.
You can enable Kerberos authentication at one of the following levels:
Node Level
If you use the domain for testing or development, and the domain does not require a high level of security, you can enable Kerberos at the node level. You can use a single service principal name and a single keytab file for the node and for all of the processes and services that run on the node. You must also create a an SPN and a keytab file for the HTTP processes that run on the node.
Process Level
If you use the domain for production, and the domain requires a high level of security, you can set the service principal at the process level. You create a unique SPN and keytab file for each node and each process on the node. You must also create a an SPN and a keytab file for the HTTP processes that run on the node.
Kerberos enabled at the process level provides the highest level of security, but might be difficult to manage in an Informatica domain that contains many nodes or has many services. In this scenario, you might want to enable Kerberos at the node level.