- PowerCenter 10.5.6
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| Description
Node port
| Port number for the node created during installation. Default is 6005.
Service Manager port
| Port number used by the Service Manager on the node. The Service Manager listens for incoming connection requests on this port. Client applications use this port to communicate with the services in the domain. The Informatica command line programs use this port to communicate to the domain. This is also the port for the SQL data service JDBC/ODBC driver. Default is 6006.
Service Manager Shutdown port
| Port number that controls server shutdown for the domain Service Manager. The Service Manager listens for shutdown commands on this port. Default is 6007.
Informatica Administrator port
| Port number used by Informatica Administrator. Default is 6008.
Informatica Administrator shutdown port
| Port number that controls server shutdown for Informatica Administrator. Informatica Administrator listens for shutdown commands on this port. Default is 6009.
Minimum port number
| Lowest port number in the range of dynamic port numbers that can be assigned to the application service processes that run on this node. Default is 6014.
Maximum port number
| Highest port number in the range of dynamic port numbers that can be assigned to the application service processes that run on this node. Default is 6114.
Range of dynamic ports for application services
| Range of port numbers that can be dynamically assigned to application service processes as they start up. When you start an application service that uses a dynamic port, the Service Manager dynamically assigns the first available port in this range to the service process. The number of ports in the range must be at least twice the number of application service processes that run on the node. Default is 6014 to 6114.
The Service Manager dynamically assigns port numbers from this range to the Model Repository Service.
Static ports for application services
| Static ports have dedicated port numbers assigned that do not change. When you create the application service, you can accept the default port number, or you can manually assign the port number.
The following services use static port numbers: