You can choose to stop a session on a designated number of non-fatal errors. A non-fatal error is an error that does not force the session to stop on its first occurrence. Establish the error threshold in the session properties with the Stop on Errors option. When you enable this option, the Integration Service counts non-fatal errors that occur in the reader, writer, and transformation threads.
The Integration Service maintains an independent error count when reading sources, transforming data, and writing to targets. The Integration Service counts the following non-fatal errors when you set the Stop on Errors option in the session properties:
Reader errors.
Errors encountered by the Integration Service while reading the source database or source files. Reader threshold errors can include alignment errors while running a session in Unicode mode.
Writer errors.
Errors encountered by the Integration Service while writing to the target database or target files. Writer threshold errors can include key constraint violations, loading nulls into a not null field, and database trigger responses.
Transformation errors.
Errors encountered by the Integration Service while transforming data. Transformation threshold errors can include conversion errors, and any condition set up as an ERROR, such as null input.
When you create multiple partitions in a pipeline, the Integration Service maintains a separate error threshold for each partition. When the Integration Service reaches the error threshold for any partition, it stops the session. The writer may continue writing data from one or more partitions, but it does not affect the ability to perform a successful recovery.
If alignment errors occur in a non line-sequential VSAM file, the Integration Service sets the error threshold to 1 and stops the session.