- PowerCenter 10.5.7
- All Products
Transformation Name
| Transformation Type
| Description
SQ_ SourceName | Source Qualifier or Application Source Qualifier | Selects all rows from the source you choose in the Mapping Wizard. |
LKP_GetData | Lookup | Caches the existing target table. Compares key columns in the source against corresponding key columns in the target. When matching keys exist, LKP_GetData returns additional column data from the target for comparison. Passes all rows to EXP_DetectChanges. |
EXP_DetectChanges | Expression | Uses the following expression to flag source rows that do not have matching keys in the target. The expression returns TRUE if a matching key does not exist in the target, indicating the row is new: IIF(ISNULL(PM_PRIMARYKEY),TRUE,FALSE) Populates the NewFlag port with the results. Uses the following expression to flag source rows that have a matching key in the target and contain changes in the specified columns. The expression returns TRUE only if a matching key exists in the target (indicating the row is not new) and if it detects a difference between source and target columns: IIF(ISNULL(PM_PRIMARYKEY) AND (SourceColumnName<>PM_PREV_TargetColumnName) AND (other comparisons) TRUE,FALSE) Populates the ChangedFlag port with the results. Passes all rows to FIL_InsertNewRecord and FIL_InsertChangedRecord. |