- PowerCenter 10.5.7
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Security Information
| Description
Service realm name
| Name of the Kerberos realm to which the Informatica domain services belong. The realm name must be in uppercase.
The service realm name and the user realm name must be the same.
User realm name
| Name of the Kerberos realm to which the Informatica domain users belong. The realm name must be in uppercase.
The service realm name and the user realm name must be the same.
Location of the Kerberos configuration file
| Directory where the Kerberos configuration file named
krb5.conf is stored.
Informatica requires specific properties to be set in the configuration file. If you do not have permission to copy or update the Kerberos configuration file, you might have to request the Kerberos administrator to update the file.
Keystore file directory
| Directory that contains the keystore files. The directory must contain files named infa_keystore.jks and infa_keystore.pem.
Keystore password
| A plain-text password for the keystore infa_keystore.jks.
Truststore file directory
| Directory that contains the truststore files. The directory must contain files named infa_truststore.jks and infa_truststore.pem.
Truststore password
| Password for the infa_truststore.jks file.