Sizing Guidelines and Performance Tuning for Metadata Manager 10.0

Sizing Guidelines and Performance Tuning for Metadata Manager 10.0

Data Lineage

Data Lineage

The time to create and display a data lineage diagram is linearly proportional to the number of features or structures with connections and the number of displayed elements. Therefore, a larger number of elements with connections in the diagram results in a longer construction time for the lineage diagram.
The following system factors also affect data lineage performance:
  • CPU. The time to perform data lineage analysis increases as the number of concurrent users performing data lineage analysis increases. Additional CPUs improve the time required to perform the data lineage analysis for a larger number of concurrent users
    During data lineage analysis, CPU usage decreases with a higher number of CPUs. For a larger number of concurrent users, CPU usage reaches 100% for all CPU configurations. Add CPUs to support a higher number of concurrent users.
  • Maximum heap size. Data lineage performance increases as the maximum heap size for the Metadata Manager Service increases. Performing data lineage analysis, especially with a large number features or structures with connections or with a large number of display elements, is a memory-intensive operation.
    The time to perform data lineage analysis also increases as the number of users increases. However, for a higher number of users, a larger maximum heap size slows the rate of increase.
  • Disk I/O: An increase in the disk I/O speed improves the data lineage performance.

Data Lineage Process

When you start data lineage analysis for an object in the Metadata Manager warehouse, Metadata Manager completes the following steps:
  • Constructs the data lineage diagram. Metadata Manager analyzes the starting object and finds all the connected objects. Metadata Manager also constructs the overall diagram, expands the diagram to display the starting object, and converts the diagram to an XML file.
  • Displays the data lineage diagram. Metadata Manager uses the XML file to display the data lineage diagram in the browser.
You can also get more information about the individual tasks to construct and render the data lineage diagram and the time to complete the tasks in mm.log.


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