Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. PowerExchange Navigator Introduction
  3. Data Maps
  4. Data Maps for Specific Data Sources
  5. Copybooks
  6. Registration Groups and Capture Registrations
  7. Extraction Groups and Extraction Maps
  8. Personal Metadata
  9. Database Row Test
  10. PowerExchange Navigator Examples
  11. Appendix A: PowerExchange Functions for User-Defined Fields
  12. Appendix B: User Access Method Programs
  13. Appendix C: Application Groups and Applications
  14. Appendix D: Data Map Properties
  15. Appendix E: Record, Field, and Table Properties
  16. Appendix F: DTL__CAPXTIMESTAMP Time Stamps
  17. Appendix G: Trace for Creating a Memory Map When Importing a COBOL Copybook

Navigator User Guide

Navigator User Guide

Import Copybook - Configuration Details Dialog Box

Import Copybook - Configuration Details Dialog Box

Select options to define the default actions to take for imported records, fields, and tables.
The following table describes the options:
Prompt on record import
Select this option to prompt for a record name when you import a record. Default is selected.
Prompt on field import
Select this option to prompt for a field name when you import a field. Default is cleared.
Prompt on table creation
Select this option to prompt for a table name when you create a table. Default is cleared.
Create table on each record imported
Select this option to create a table based on each imported record. Default is selected.
Create tables for DL1 hierarchical paths
For a DBD, select this option to create all tables for all DL/1 hierarchical paths. Default is cleared.
Create tables for IDMS hierarchical paths
For an IDMS copybook, select this option to create all tables for all IDMS hierarchical paths. Default is cleared.
If you select this option, the
Create expressions for IDMS set relationships
option is unavailable.
Create expressions for IDMS set relationships
Create expressions to represent IDMS set relationships. Applications can use this metadata to determine the logical foreign key relationships among tables.
When you select this option, PowerExchange generates the following fields for each record in the data map:
  • A field that calls the GetDatabaseKey function.
  • For each set of which the record is the owner, fields that call the GetDbKeyOfFirstMember and GetDbKeyOfLastMember functions.
  • For each of which the record is a member, fields that call the GetDbKeyOfOwner, GetDbKeyOfNextMember, and GetDbKeyOfPriorMember functions.
If you select this option, the
Create tables for IDMS hierarchical paths
option is unavailable.
Refresh table columns for imported records
For COBOL or PL/I copybooks imported into an IDMS, IMS DL/1 batch, or IMS ODBA data map, select this option to update columns in tables that are based on records that are overwritten during the copybook import operation. Default is cleared.
Select first data redefinition
Select this option to use the first data definition if PowerExchange finds a REDEFINES clause. Default is cleared.
Start import automatically
Select this option to start the import automatically. Default is selected.
Action on duplicate record
Action on duplicate field
Action on duplicate table
Specifies the action to take if PowerExchange finds a duplicate record, field, or table during the import operation.
The options are:
    . Prompts for the action to take.
    . Imports the record or segment using a unique name.
    . Overwrites the record or segment.
  • SKIP
    . Skips the record or segment.
    . Appends the record or segment from the copybook to the record or segment in the data map.
Default is


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