PowerExchange for CDC and Mainframe
- PowerExchange for CDC and Mainframe 10.5.3
- All Products
Skipped Condition Types
| Message Reported
| Example
Conditions that are not a BASIC or LIKE condition
| PWX-3071
Conditions that do not specify one operand as a column and one operand as a constant
| PWX-3072
NOT LIKE conditions
| PWX-3073
LIKE conditions that include wildcards
| PWX-3074
Conditions with not equals operands
| PWX-3075
Conditions with NUMCHAR columns
| PWX-3076
| -
Conditions with columns that have scale
| PWX-3077
| -
Conditions with LE, LT, GE, or GT operands that also have integer columns on LINUX or Windows machines
| PWX-3078
| On Linux and Windows, PowerExchange can perform optimized reading on DISAM files by using KSDS maps. However, the results will be incorrect for range conditions that include the column types of NUM16, NUM32, and NUM64.
Conditions that have a negative constant with an unsigned numeric type
| PWX-3079
| -
Conditions that have a negative constant and an unsupported database type and field type
| PWX-3080
| -
Conditions with a constant that has scale
| PWX-3081
| AND COL2 = 1.23
Conditions with an Adabas constant that has a scale that does not match the field scale
| PWX-3082
| -
Conditions with floating point constants or columns
| PWX-3083
| AND COL2 = 123E10
Conditions with long numeric constants
| PWX-3084
| A negative numeric constant with 31 digits.
Conditions with DATE columns
| PWX-3085
| DATE columns are supported for Adabas maps, but not for Datacom, IDMS, IMS, or VSAM KSDS
Conditions with columns that have unsupported data types
| PWX-3086
| The following data types are not supported:
LE or LT conditions that have negative constants but do not have a matching GE or GT condition
| PWX-3091
| LE or LT and GE or GT conditions that have negative constants are allowed only if both limit ranges are negative and explicitly set in the SQL WHERE clause.
The limit conditions affect only the primary key column.
GE or GT conditions that have negative constants but do not have a matching LE or LT condition
| PWX-3092
| LE or LT and GE or GT conditions that have negative constants are allowed only if both limit ranges are explicitly set in the SQL WHERE clause and both are negative.
The limit conditions affect only the primary key column.
LE and LT or GE and GT conditions that have both negative and positive constants but do not have a matching LE or LT condition
| PWX-3093
| Range conditions must have both a high and low limit.
The read process discards range conditions that are missing either the high or low limit.