Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Change Data Capture Introduction
  3. PowerExchange Listener
  4. PowerExchange Condense
  5. DB2 for i5/OS Change Data Capture
  6. Remote Logging of Data
  7. Introduction to Change Data Extraction
  8. Extracting Change Data
  9. Monitoring CDC Sessions
  10. Managing Change Data Extractions
  11. Tuning CDC Sessions
  12. Appendix A: DTL__CAPXTIMESTAMP Time Stamps

CDC Guide for i5/OS

CDC Guide for i5/OS

PowerCenter Connection Attributes for Tuning CDC Sessions

PowerCenter Connection Attributes for Tuning CDC Sessions

In PowerCenter, you can customize some attributes on the PWX CDC connections to tune CDC sessions.
The following table describes the connection attributes that you can optionally use for tuning:
Connection Option
Tuning Suggestion
Controls whether to compress source data during the PowerCenter session.
Default disables compression.
Do not use compression.
Encryption Type
Type of data encryption that PowerExchange uses.
Default is None for no encryption.
Do not use encryption.
Image Type
Indicates how PWXPC passes captured Updates to CDC sessions that extract and apply the updates to the target.
Options are:
  • AI
    . Process Updates as Update operations. PWXPC passes each Update as a single Update record. An Update record includes after images of the data only, unless you add before image (BI) and change indicator (CI) fields to the extraction map that you import for the source definition for the CDC session.
  • BA
    . Process Updates as Deletes followed by Inserts. PWXPC passes each Update as a Delete record followed by an Insert record. The Delete record contains the before image of the data, and the Insert record contains the after image.
Default is BA.
If you specify AI, you can still use before images of the data, if available, in extraction processing. PWXPC can embed before-image data and after-image data in the same Update row. To embed before-image data, you must complete the following configuration tasks:
  • In the PowerExchange Navigator, add BI and CI fields to the extraction map that you plan to import for the source definition in PowerCenter.
  • If you use batch or continuous extraction mode, enter BA for the CAPT_IMAGE parameter in the PowerExchange Condense or PowerExchange Logger for Linux, UNIX, and Windows configuration file. This setting stores both before and after images in the PowerExchange Logger log files or PowerExchange Condense condense files. When CDC sessions run, they extract data from these files.
Set to AI.
UOW Count
The number of UOWs that PWXPC reads from the source before it flushes the data buffer to commit the change data to the targets.
Default is 1.
To improve efficiency on the PowerCenter Integration Service machine and the target databases, increase this value to reduce commit processing.
Real-time Flush Latency in mill-seconds
The frequency, in milliseconds, with which PWXPC flushes the data buffer to commit the change data to the targets.
Default is 0, which is equivalent to 2 seconds.
To improve efficiency on the PowerCenter Integration Service machine and the target databases, increase this value to reduce commit processing.
PWX Latency in seconds
Maximum time, in seconds, that the PowerExchange instance on the source waits for more change data before flushing data to PWXPC on the PowerCenter Integration Service machine.
Default is 2.
Use the default value.
Minimum Rows Per commit
Minimum number of change records that PowerExchange reads from the change stream before it passes any commit records to PWXPC.
Default is 0, which means that PWXPC ignores this option.
If UOWs usually contain few changes, increase this value to increase the size of the UOWs. This practice can improve efficiency on the PowerCenter Integration Service machine and on the target databases by reducing commit processing.
Offload Processing
Controls whether PowerExchange uses CDC offload processing. Offload processing transfers resource-intensive column-level and UOW Cleanser processing from the source system to another system.
Default is No.
If resource constraints exist on the source system and you need to increase CDC throughput, consider enabling offload processing.
Worker Threads
Controls whether PowerExchange uses multiple threads for resource-intensive, column-level extraction processing.
You can use multithreading on the source system to process data from Linux, UNIX, or Windows data sources, or on another system for extraction processing when offload processing is in effect. Enable multithreading only when extractions appear to be CPU bound.
Enter the number of threads that you want PowerExchange to use. Valid values are 1 through 64.
Default is 0, which causes PowerExchange to not use multithreaded processing.
Enter a number greater than 0.
Array Size
If the
Worker Threads
value is greater than zero, indicates the size of the storage array, in number of records, for the threads.
Valid values are 25 through 5000.
Default is 25.
Informatica recommends that you use the default value of 25 unless you are able to test and determine that the extra memory that is allocated to a larger array size has been beneficial and has not degraded server performance. If you make these determinations, Informatica recommends that you use an array size of 500 to 1000 with offload and multithreaded processing enabled.
If you enter a large array size value, have large records, or run many sessions that use multithreading concurrently, memory shortages might occur on the PowerCenter Integration Service machine.
For more information about PWX CDC connection attributes, see
PowerExchange Interfaces for PowerCenter


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