Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Workflows
  3. Workflow Variables
  4. Workflow Parameters
  5. Cluster Tasks
  6. Command Task
  7. Human Task
  8. Mapping Task
  9. Notification Task
  10. Gateways
  11. Workflow Recovery
  12. Workflow Administration

Developer Workflow Guide

Developer Workflow Guide

Human Task Properties

Human Task Properties

When you add a Human task to a workflow, the task properties appear on the
view of the workflow.
You configure options on the following tabs:
  • General tab. Set the name and text description for the Human task.
  • Participants tab. Identify the business administrators who can participate in the task.
  • Data source tab. Identify the database connection name and the database resource that contains the Mapping task output.
  • Task distribution tab. Determine the size and composition of task instances.
  • Notifications tab. Identify the users who receive email notifications when the Human task is complete, and write the email text.
  • Input tab. Set the variables that identify the input data for the task.
  • Output tab. Set the variables that provide the final status of the task to the workflow.
  • Advanced tab. Set the task recovery strategy.


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