Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Workflows
  3. Workflow Variables
  4. Workflow Parameters
  5. Cluster Tasks
  6. Command Task
  7. Human Task
  8. Mapping Task
  9. Notification Task
  10. Gateways
  11. Workflow Recovery
  12. Workflow Administration

Developer Workflow Guide

Developer Workflow Guide

Rules and Guidelines for Importing Workflows from PowerCenter

Rules and Guidelines for Importing Workflows from PowerCenter

If you import a workflow, consider the following rules and guidelines:
The import process links PowerCenter session or task instances without outgoing links to the End event in the Model repository.
If a PowerCenter workflow contains a session or task instance that does not have outgoing links, the imported workflow adds a link to the gateway to connect the session or task instance to the End event in the Model repository.
The imported workflow removes an unsupported PowerCenter task. If the unsupported tasks are part of a branch or merge, the import process removes unsupported tasks and replaces the branches or merges with gateway tasks.
If a PowerCenter mapping contains an task in the workflow that is not supported for import into the Model repository, then the unsupported tasks are removed from the imported workflow in the Model repository. However, if the unsupported tasks were part of a branch or merge, the gateways for these tasks are created and are present as an unconnected task in the final imported workflow.
The import process splits session tasks with additional session tasks for each mapping corresponding to each pipeline based on target load order.
If a workflow contains a session task in PowerCenter, the task gets split when the session points to a mapping with multiple pipelines for each target load order after import in the Model repository. The imported workflow contains additional session tasks for each mapping corresponding to each pipeline based on the target load order.
For example, you have a PowerCenter workflow containing a Start task linked to a session. The session points a mapping having two pipelines. The first pipeline has a source, Source1 pointing to the transformation, Tx1 that leads to a target, Target1. The second pipeline has source, Source2 that points to transformation, Tx2 that leads to the target, Target2.
After you import the workflow in the Model repository, two sessions are created and linked according to the target load order as follows: Start -> Session_Mapping_pipeline_1 -> Session_Mapping_pipeline_2 -> End, where Session_Mapping_pipeline_1 points to the mapping created from the first pipeline and Session_Mapping_pipeline_2 points to the mapping created from the second pipeline.


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