Table of Contents


  1. Abstract
  2. Support Changes
  3. Installation and Upgrade
  4. 10.4.1 Fixed Limitations and Closed Enhancements
  5. 10.4.1 Known Limitations
  6. Cumulative Known Limitations
  7. Emergency Bug Fixes Merged into 10.4.1
  8. Informatica Global Customer Support

Release Notes

Release Notes

Data Engineering Streaming Known Limitations (10.4.1)

Data Engineering Streaming Known Limitations (10.4.1)

The following table describes known limitations that were found in 10.4.1:
When dynamic schema strategy is enabled in a streaming mapping with a Kafka source and a Complex File data object target with no column projection, the target files are not moved to the target directory if the executor goes to dead state. The target files are moved as part of cleanup.
On CDH non-secure cluster, when you run a streaming mapping with HDFS target with Parquet payload, the target files are not moved to the target directory after clean up when the mapping is stopped.
On HDP 3.1.5, when you run a streaming mapping with ADLS Gen 2 or HDFS target with Parquet payload, the target files are not moved to the target directory after clean up when the mapping is stopped.
Data loss happens when you run a streaming mapping with JMS as source and multiple targets and durable subscriptions configured.
On CDH 5.13 cluster, rollover fails in a streaming mapping with Amazon S3 target. Similarly, rollover fails in a streaming mapping with Complex File Targets with Parquet payload.
On a Databricks cluster, logical data types are not applicable for Parquet format and shows the
Invalid Avro record
error when you write to the Microsoft Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 target.
Mapping validation fails when you connect sources to Window transformations using dynamic ports.
Do not connect port at group level. Connect the dynamic ports from the Window transformation to a joiner transformation.
When you run a streaming mapping with a Kafka source, the mapping fails with
error when:
  • a topic pattern is specified for the topic name, and
  • a time stamp is specified to read messages based on the custom timestamp offset
When you run a streaming mapping with a Kafka source, the mapping fails with
WARN KafkaOffsetReader: Error in attempt 1 getting Kafka offsets
error when:
  • a topic pattern contains multiple partitions, and
  • a time stamp is specified to read messages based on the custom timestamp offset
On AWS Databricks, when you run a streaming mapping to write binary data to Amazon S3 target, the mapping validates but fails while trying to generate a Spark execution plan.
The Monitoring tab does not display the latest statistics for streaming mappings if the Data Integration Service process stops and resumes after it submits a job to the compute cluster.


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