Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Introduction
  3. Address Validation Status Ports
  4. Building and Residence Data Ports
  5. Business and Organization Data Ports
  6. City and Locality Data Ports
  7. Country Data Ports
  8. Customer Segmentation Data Ports
  9. Enrichment Data Ports
  10. Formatted Data Ports
  11. Postal Carrier Certification Data Ports
  12. Postcode Data Ports
  13. Province and State Data Ports
  14. Residual Data Ports
  15. Street Data Ports
  16. Supplementary Data Ports
  17. XML Ports

Address Validator Port Reference

Address Validator Port Reference

Address Resolution Code

Address Resolution Code

Output port that contains high-level information about non-valid address elements in an input address. The code describes the validation issues that affect address records with a Match Code status in the range I1 through I4.

Address Resolution Code Usage

To identify address elements that fail address validation, select the Address Resolution Code port. The port output codes can also identify the reasons why an address is not valid.
Consider the following factors when you select the Address Resolution Code port:
  • An address with a Match Code status in the range I1 through I4 might contain enough information to be deliverable by the local mail carrier. The address element that defines the record as not valid might not be required for delivery.
  • To read the output codes of the Address Resolution Code port, you must understand the types of address information that the characters in the code represent. For information about the type of address information that each character in the code represents, see the Element Status Ports Overview.

Port Location

The following table provides the location and default precision of the Address Resolution Code port:
Port Type
Port Group
Template Model
Status Info

Address Resolution Code Output Codes

The Address Resolution Code value is a 20-character string in which each character represents a different type of address information. The following table describes the codes that Address Resolution Code can return in each position on the output string:
The address element is required for delivery but is not present in the input address. The address reference data contains the missing address element.
An output of 2 indicates that address is not valid for delivery without the address element.
The address element is a house number or street number that is outside the valid range for the address. For example, the address element contains a house number that does not exist on the specified street. Suggestion list mode returns alternative addresses.
Address validation cannot verify or correct the address element because the input address contains more than one instance of the element.
The address element is ambiguous in the current address, and the address reference data contains alternatives. Address validation copies the input element to the output address.
For example, the address element is a valid post code that does not match a valid locality in the address.
The address element contradicts another element in the address. Address validation cannot determine the correct element for the address. The output address copies the input address.
The address element cannot be corrected without multiple changes to the address. Address validation can correct the address, but the number of changes indicate that the address is not reliable.
The data does not conform to mail carrier validation rules.


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