Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Introduction
  3. Address Validation Status Ports
  4. Building and Residence Data Ports
  5. Business and Organization Data Ports
  6. City and Locality Data Ports
  7. Country Data Ports
  8. Customer Segmentation Data Ports
  9. Enrichment Data Ports
  10. Formatted Data Ports
  11. Postal Carrier Certification Data Ports
  12. Postcode Data Ports
  13. Province and State Data Ports
  14. Residual Data Ports
  15. Street Data Ports
  16. Supplementary Data Ports
  17. XML Ports

Address Validator Port Reference

Address Validator Port Reference

Mesh Block 11-Digit 2016

Mesh Block 11-Digit 2016

Output port that returns the 11-digit code that identifies the mesh block to which an address belonged in the Australian census year 2016.
Mesh blocks are the smallest geographical area that the Australian Bureau of Statistics defines. Mesh blocks contain on average between 30 and 60 dwellings. In urban areas, the Australian Bureau of Statistics targets a mesh block size closer to 30 dwellings. In rural areas, the number of dwellings in a mesh block may be lower if the properties are distributed over a large area. The 2016 census recognized over 350,000 mesh blocks in Australia.
The Australian Bureau of Statistics uses multiple criteria to define mesh blocks. For example, mesh block boundaries should be consistent and continuous with each other, and mesh blocks should not cross property boundaries. Additionally, mesh blocks should be homogeneous in land use. The types of land use that the Australian Bureau of Statistics defines for mesh blocks include residential, commercial, industrial, parkland, education, and hospital or medical use.

Mesh Block 11-Digit 2016 Usage

Select the Mesh Block 11-Digit 2016 port to identify the mesh block to which an address belonged in 2016.
In 2016, the Australian Bureau of Statistics redrew many mesh blocks to reflect changes in population and land use since the 2011 census. When a mesh block boundary changes significantly, the Australian Bureau of Statistics retires the current mesh block code and creates a new code for the mesh block.
To identify the mesh block to which an address belonged in 2011, use the Mesh Block 11-Digit 2011 port.

Port Location

The following table provides the location and default precision of the Mesh Block 11-Digit 2016 port:
Port Type
Port Group
Template Model
AU Supplementary

Mesh Block 11-Digit 2016 Output Codes

A mesh block code has eleven digits. The first digit identifies the state or territory to which the district belongs. The remaining digits uniquely identify the mesh block within the state or territory.
For example, the code 60106840000 identifies district number 0106840000 in Tasmania. The initial digit 6 identifies the state or territory.


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