Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Getting Started Overview
  3. Part 1: Setting Up Business Glossary
  4. Part 2: Publishing Business Glossary Content
  5. Part 3: Viewing Assets
  6. Appendix A: Asset Linking
  7. Appendix B: Publishing Business Glossary Content using the Approval Workflow

Business Glossary Getting Started Guide

Business Glossary Getting Started Guide

Creating and Setting up a Section 10Q Glossary Overview

Creating and Setting up a Section 10Q Glossary Overview

A glossary is a collection of business initiatives, business terms, categories, and policies. Different teams within an organization might create and maintain separate glossaries.


The Section 10Q Glossary contains business terms, categories, and policies that help employees of the organization look up the meaning of terms that they come across in financial reports and other documents.


In this tutorial, you will accomplish the following tasks:
  • Create a Section 10Q Glossary.
  • Assign users to the glossary, and assign roles to the users.


Before you start this lesson, verify the following prerequisites:
  • You have the credentials to log in as the service administrator and glossary administrator.
  • The users who access the glossary have accounts in Informatica Administrator.
Chapter two covers the prerequisites.


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