How to Create Keystore and Truststore Files for Secure Communication in the Informatica Domain

How to Create Keystore and Truststore Files for Secure Communication in the Informatica Domain

Import Certificates from the Keystore

Import Certificates from the Keystore

Generate a new Informatica Administrator keystore file and import it in a web browser.
  1. In Informatica domain, generate a new keystore file using the keytool command.
    For example,
    keytool -genkey -alias "<Alias name>" -keyalg "RSA" -keypass <Key password> -storepass <Keystore password> -keystore "<Keystore location>" -dname "CN=<>,OU=<Informatica>,O=<Informatica>,L=<RedwoodCity>,S=<California>,C=<US>" -ext san=dns:<informatica>,dns:<>,dns:<>
  2. Export the certificate to the INFA home location using the keytool command.
    For example,
    keytool -export -keystore /<Keystore location> -storepass "<Keystore password>" -alias "<Certificate alias name>" -file <INFA home location>
  3. In web browser, navigate to
    Manage Certificate
    Trusted Root Certification Authorities
  4. Shut down the Informatica domain.
  5. Update new keystore file path and password.
    For example, updateGatewayNode -kf <Keystore location> -kp <Keystore password> -hs <New Informatica Administrator port number>
  6. Restart the Informatica domain.


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