Configure advanced properties to help determine how the Data Integration Service processes data for the Update Strategy transformation.
You can define the following advanced properties for the Update Strategy transformation on the Advanced tab:
Forward Rejected Rows
Determines whether the Update Strategy transformation passes rejected rows to the next transformation or drops rejected rows. By default, the Data Integration Service forwards rejected rows to the next transformation. The Data Integration Service flags the rows for reject and writes them to the reject file. If you do not select Forward Rejected Rows, the Data Integration Service drops rejected rows and writes them to the mapping log file.
Use Hive Merge
Determines whether the Update Strategy transformation uses Hive MERGE to perform updates on Hive targets when the mapping runs on the Spark engine. When a query uses a MERGE statement instead of INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE statements, processing is more efficient.
The mapping ignores the Hive MERGE option in the following scenarios:
The mapping runs on the Databricks Spark engine.
The mapping runs on the Blaze engine.
MERGE is restricted by Hive implementation on particular Hadoop distributions.
Mappings that run on the Databricks Spark engine use the Databricks "MERGE INTO" SQL command instead of Hive MERGE. In mappings that run on the Blaze engine and scenarios where MERGE is restricted, the run-time engine uses INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE to perform the operation.
The mapping log contains results of the operation, including whether restrictions affected results.
When the update affects partitioning or bucketing columns, updates to the columns are omitted.
The Developer tool and the Data Integration Service do not validate against this restriction. If the Update Strategy expression violates these restrictions, the mapping might produce unexpected results.
Tracing Level
Amount of detail that appears in the log for this transformation. You can choose terse, normal, verbose initialization, or verbose data. Default is normal.