Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Introduction to Transformations
  3. Transformation Ports
  4. Transformation Caches
  5. Address Validator Transformation
  6. Aggregator Transformation
  7. Association Transformation
  8. Bad Record Exception Transformation
  9. Case Converter Transformation
  10. Classifier Transformation
  11. Comparison Transformation
  12. Consolidation Transformation
  13. Data Masking Transformation
  14. Data Processor Transformation
  15. Decision Transformation
  16. Duplicate Record Exception Transformation
  17. Expression Transformation
  18. Filter Transformation
  19. Hierarchical to Relational Transformation
  20. Java Transformation
  21. Java Transformation API Reference
  22. Java Expressions
  23. Joiner Transformation
  24. Key Generator Transformation
  25. Labeler Transformation
  26. Lookup Transformation
  27. Lookup Caches
  28. Dynamic Lookup Cache
  29. Macro Transformation
  30. Match Transformation
  31. Match Transformations in Field Analysis
  32. Match Transformations in Identity Analysis
  33. Normalizer Transformation
  34. Merge Transformation
  35. Parser Transformation
  36. Python Transformation
  37. Rank Transformation
  38. Read Transformation
  39. Relational to Hierarchical Transformation
  40. REST Web Service Consumer Transformation
  41. Router Transformation
  42. Sequence Generator Transformation
  43. Sorter Transformation
  44. SQL Transformation
  45. Standardizer Transformation
  46. Union Transformation
  47. Update Strategy Transformation
  48. Web Service Consumer Transformation
  49. Parsing Web Service SOAP Messages
  50. Generating Web Service SOAP Messages
  51. Weighted Average Transformation
  52. Window Transformation
  53. Write Transformation
  54. Appendix A: Transformation Delimiters

Developer Transformation Guide

Developer Transformation Guide

Mailability Score Output Port Values

Mailability Score Output Port Values

The Mailability Score value represents an estimate of the deliverability of the output address. Use the mailability score as a general indicator of the deliverability of the address. Find the port in the Status Info port group.
The Address Validator transformation considers multiple factors when it calculates the mailability score. The transformation bases the calculations principally on the Match Code value and the Element Result Status value for the address. Other factors that influence the mailability score include the postal relevance of the address values and the granularity of the reference data for the country.
The Mailability Score port value provides an estimate of the deliverability of the address. The score is not a precise or definitive indicator of the deliverability of the address.
The following table describes the Mailability Score output codes:
Completely Confident
Indicates that address validation checked and verified all relevant elements of the input address.
Almost Certain
Indicates either of the following scenarios:
  • One or more relevant address elements cannot be checked due to absent reference data. Other address elements are verified.
  • Address validation corrected one or more relevant elements with a very high degree of confidence. This occurs when address validation finds a single match between the input address and the reference data and the degree of variation is very low.
Should Be Fine
Indicates that address validation corrected one or more relevant elements in the input address. Address validation found a single match between the input address and the reference data, and the degree of variation is acceptable.
Fair Chance
Indicates that address validation cannot correct or verify the address for one of the following reasons:
  • Address validation cannot identify a candidate match in the reference data with sufficient confidence.
  • Address validation found multiple candidate matches with similar confidence levels.
The mail carrier might be able to deliver to the address.
Indicates that address validation can find partial reference data matches only for the input address.
Indicates that address validation cannot find a match for the address in the reference data. The input address is missing too many elements, or address validation cannot verify a majority of the elements in the address.


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