Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Part 1: Introduction to Profiles
  3. Part 2: Profiling with Informatica Analyst
  4. Part 3: Profiling with Informatica Developer

Profile Guide

Profile Guide

Detailed View of Compare Profiles Results

Detailed View of Compare Profiles Results

Column results appear in a grid format in the detailed view. Column details include general information such as distinct, non-distinct, and null values, patterns, data types, data domains, business terms, values, and data preview.
The detailed view for a column appears when you click the column name. You can view the column results in run A and run B as separate columns, and the comparison of data is available in the delta column.
The following image shows the compare profile results for a column in detailed view:
The image shows the compare profile results for a column in detailed view.
  1. Panes. You can view the profile results and statistics for the column in the two profile runs, and view the delta information for the column in the two profile runs in panes.
  2. Profile header. You can view column results by selecting the column in the drop-down list or by using the navigation buttons. You can view the column name, and can view specific results by using the options in the View drop-down list.
  3. Summary view header. You can view profile specific information in the summary view header. You can view the profile runs that is compared and the time and date of the profile runs.


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