Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. IDR-000000 to IDR-000704
  3. IDR-008001 to IDR-008006
  4. IDR-009001 to IDR-009055
  5. IDR-010002 to IDR-010812
  6. IDR-020001 to IDR-020264
  7. IDR-030001 to IDR-031041
  8. IDR-050001 to IDR-053222
  9. IDR-060002 to IDR-060123
  10. IDR-070002 to IDR-070351
  11. IDR-100001 to IDR-100030
  12. IDR-110030 to IDR-110031
  13. IDR-120001 to IDR-120007
  14. IDR-140001 to IDR-140054
  15. IDR-150001 to IDR-150014
  16. QADPTR-10001 to QADPTR-16001

IDR- 020100


[WARNING] The Extractor detected the SELECT INTO ... FROM statement for the table
that contains LOB columns, such as image, text, ntext, varbinary(max), varchar(max), or nvarchar(max). The LOB values in this table will be replicated as null values to the target.
The Extractor detected the SELECT INTO ... FROM statement for the specified table to which LOB data is inserted. Replicate mode is not enabled for this table. Consequently, the before- and after-image of the LOB columns, such as image, text, ntext, varbinary(max), varchar(max), and nvarchar(max), are not available in the log for this table. The Extractor will write null values instead of LOB values to the intermediate file.
No response is needed.


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