Table of Contents


  1. Version 6.4.3 HotFix 1
  2. Version 6.4.3
  3. Version 6.4 HotFix 2
  4. Version 6.4 HotFix 1
  5. Version 6.4
  6. Version 6.3
  7. Version 6.2 Hot Fix 2
  8. Version 6.2 Hot Fix 1
  9. Version 6.2
  10. Version 6.1.1
  11. Version 6.1

Release Guide

Release Guide

Audit Log

Audit Log

Effective in version 6.3, you can copy specific column values to a CSV file. To copy column values, you use the LOG modifier at the end of the UPDATE and PURGE TABLE commands.
You can copy specific column values to a CSV file. The column values that you can copy are for the rows that you want to put on legal hold with the UPDATE command.
Use the following syntax:
UPDATE <table-name> FROM FILE 'update-file-path' [LOG {col1,… colN} INTO ‘CSV_file_path’;
You can copy specific column values to a CSV file. The column values that you can copy are for the rows that you want to physically delete with the PURGE TABLE command.
Use the following syntax:
PURGE TABLE <table-name> [LOG { col1,… colN} INTO ‘CSV_file_path’;


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