Table of Contents


  1. Version 6.4.3 HotFix 1
  2. Version 6.4.3
  3. Version 6.4 HotFix 2
  4. Version 6.4 HotFix 1
  5. Version 6.4
  6. Version 6.3
  7. Version 6.2 Hot Fix 2
  8. Version 6.2 Hot Fix 1
  9. Version 6.2
  10. Version 6.1.1
  11. Version 6.1

Release Guide

Release Guide

Bulk File Uploader

Bulk File Uploader

A bulk file uploader to the Data Vault is available. The bulk file uploader loads extracted flat files (BCP, CSV) to the Data Vault using a lightweight loading mechanism. The bulk file uploader requires that you provide the table attributes in an XML file.
You can use the bulk file uploader when you want to archive large amounts of data to the Data Vault, or when you need to archive data faster than the standard Data Archive process.
The bulk uploader contains the following components:
Reads the metadata in XML format and schedules jobs.
Monitors and reports the job status.
Provides an external way of scheduling standalone jobs.
For more information, see the
Data Vault Administrator Guide


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