Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Introduction to Dynamic Data Masking Administration
  3. Authentication
  4. Security
  5. Connection Management
  6. JDBC Client Configuration
  7. ODBC Client Configuration
  8. Access Control
  9. Logs
  10. High Availability
  11. Server Control
  12. Performance Tuning
  13. Troubleshooting

Administrator Guide

Administrator Guide

Audit Trail and Detailed Audit Trail

Audit Trail and Detailed Audit Trail

The Dynamic Data Masking general audit trail and detailed audit trail log files contain information that you use to verify whether a user made unauthorized modifications to the Dynamic Data Masking configuration.
The AuditTrail.log file contains general audit information about changes in the Management Console. The AT appender in the auditTrail logger creates the AuditTrail.log file. You can add appenders to the auditTrail logger to create additional audit trail output formats.
The detailed audit file contains comprehensive audit information that is not in the AuditTrail.log file. Dynamic Data Masking names the detailed audit file according to the year and month that it creates the file. For example, if Dynamic Data Masking creates a detailed audit file in April 2013, it names the file
The detailed audit file contains the following information on modifications to the Dynamic Data Masking configuration properties:
Database node changes. You can view the following actions:
  • Add
  • Remove
  • Copy
  • Move
  • Edit
  • Change database name
Security rule set
Security rule set changes. You can view the following actions:
  • Add
  • Remove
  • Copy
  • Move
  • Edit
  • Change security rule name
Dynamic Data Masking service changes. You can view the following actions:
  • Add
  • Remove
  • Edit
Authorization changes. You can view the following actions:
  • Set authorizations
Connection rule
Connection rule changes. You can view the following actions:
  • Edit
Dynamic Data Masking Server changes. You can view the following actions:
  • Edit
The entries in the detailed audit file contain the following tags:
Audit trail operations.
You can view the following operations:
  • Add
  • Change
  • Remove
Date and time of the modification.
Client IP address or host name.
Client user name. The entry does not contain the userName tag if the user is admin.
Status of the operation.
You can view the following statuses:
  • Success
  • Failed
Element path in the Management Console tree.
Element authorizations such as owner, read privileges, and read and write privileges. If the owner is admin, the authorizations tag is empty.
Content of the element.

Sample AuditTrail.log File

The following excerpt is from the general audit trail log:
05/14 19:54:43,199 INFO - [] [admin] LOGIN: Success! 05/14 20:00:17,093 INFO - [] [admin] REMOVE NODE (DatabaseNode) Oracle11g ( Success! 05/14 20:00:37,620 INFO - [] [admin] ADD NODE (DomainNode) Domain1: Success! 05/14 20:00:40,901 INFO - [] [admin] MOVE NODE (ServerNode) myServer: Success! 05/14 20:00:46,175 INFO - [] [admin] REMOVE NODE (DomainNode) Domain1: Cannot remove node Domain1. DDM Server myServer is in branch. 05/14 20:00:49,441 INFO - [] [admin] MOVE NODE (ServerNode) myServer: Success! 05/14 20:00:58,838 INFO - [] [admin] EDIT NODE (DomainNode) domain2: Success! 05/14 20:01:06,603 INFO - [] [admin] EDIT NODE (RuleSetNode) MaskingRuleSet: Success! 05/14 20:01:11,405 INFO - [] [admin] EDIT NODE (RuleSetNode) MaskingRuleSet: Success! 05/14 20:01:21,679 INFO - [] [admin] SET SWITCHING RULES: ddmForOracle: Success! 05/14 20:01:25,356 INFO - [] [admin] SET SWITCHING RULES: ddmForOracle: Success! 05/14 20:01:36,912 INFO - [] [admin] LOGOUT 05/14 20:01:37,916 INFO - [] [admin] LOGIN: Authentication failed 05/14 20:01:43,440 INFO - [] [admin] LOGIN: Success! 05/14 20:02:01,397 INFO - [] [admin] LOGOUT05/14 20:20:34,104 INFO - [] [admin] LOGIN: Success! 05/14 20:20:54,006 INFO - [] [admin] MOVE NODE (DomainNode) domain2: Success! 05/14 20:22:37,829 INFO - [] [admin] LOGIN: Success! 05/14 20:22:37,831 INFO - [] [admin] LOGOUT 05/14 20:23:09,070 INFO - [] [admin] LOGIN: Success! 05/14 20:25:51,918 INFO - [] [admin] LOGOUT

Sample Detailed Audit File

The following audit file is an example of the detailed audit file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?> - <XML type="database"> - <content type="ATContent"> - <newContent> <cpuCount>0</cpuCount> - <services type="ArrayList"> - <entry> <serviceName>1</serviceName> </entry> </services> <oracleVersion /> <dbaPassword>GNKEJHAPBJBBMECC</dbaPassword> <dbaUser>1</dbaUser> <name>1</name> - <instances type="ArrayList"> - <entry class="" type="Configurable"> <cpuCount>0</cpuCount> <oracleVersion /> <dbaPassword>GNKEJHAPBJBBMECC</dbaPassword> <instanceName>1</instanceName> <dbaUser>1</dbaUser> <listenerAddress>1</listenerAddress> <hostName /> <listenerPort>1</listenerPort> <infoTimestamp>0</infoTimestamp> </entry> </instances> <infoTimestamp>0</infoTimestamp> </newContent> </content> <operation>add</operation> - <authorizations type="ATAuthorizations"> <newAuthorizations class="com.activebase.configuration.Authorizations" type="Configurable" /> </authorizations> <status>success</status> - <path type="ATPath"> <newPath>Site/1</newPath> </path> <date>01/08/2013 19:26:57,429</date> <clientIP></clientIP> </XML>


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