Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Introduction to the Stored Procedure Accelerator for Oracle
  3. Masking Stored Procedures and User-Defined Table Functions
  4. Stored Procedure Accelerator Setup
  5. Stored Procedure Accelerator Rules

Stored Procedure Accelerator Guide for Oracle

Stored Procedure Accelerator Guide for Oracle

Step 3. Compile the Masking Package

Step 3. Compile the Masking Package

Compile the masking package in the DDMADMIN schema to enable stored procedure masking.
You can find the masking package in the following location:
<Dynamic Data Masking istallation>\Accelerators\StoredProcedureMasking\sql\Oracle
The masking package consists of the following files:
The masking package performs the following actions:
  • Retrieves result set metadata.
  • Verifies whether to mask the result set.
  • Creates and populates the global temporary tables in the temporary schema.
  • Creates masked select statements in the temporary tables.


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