Test Data Management
- Test Data Management 10.4.0
- All Products
| Description
| Name of the service. The name is not case sensitive and must be unique within the domain. It cannot exceed 128 characters or begin with @. It also cannot contain spaces or the following special characters:
` ~ % ^ * + = { } \ ; : ' " / ? . , < > | ! ( ) ] [
You cannot change the name of the service after you create it.
| Description of the service. The description cannot exceed 765 characters.
| Domain and folder where the service is created. Click
Browse to choose a different folder. You can move the service after you create it.
| License object that allows use of the service.
| Node on which the service runs.
| Description
Repository Name
| Name of the test data warehouse repository.
Database Type
| The type of database for the test data warehouse repository.
User Name
| User account for the test data warehouse repository database. Set up this account using the appropriate database client tools.
| Password for the test data warehouse repository database user. Must be in 7-bit ASCII.
| JDBC connection URL used to access the test data warehouse repository database.
Enter the JDBC URL in one of the following formats:
Schema Name
| Available for Microsoft SQL Server. Optional. Name of the schema for the database. If not selected, the service creates the tables in the default schema.
Tablespace Name
| Available for DB2. Name of the tablespace in which to create the tables. You must define the tablespace on a single node and the page size must be 32 KB. In a multipartition database, you must select this option. In a single-partition database, if you do not select this option, the installer creates the tables in the default tablespace.
Content creation options for the new Test Data Warehouse Service
| Options to create content, or use existing content, and upgrade existing content.
| Description
Test Data Warehouse Name
| Name of the test data warehouse.
| Description of the test data warehouse. The description cannot exceed 765 characters.
Connection Type
| The type of connection for the test data warehouse.
Target Connection
| The database connection to use as the test data warehouse.
Connection Database Type
| The type of database for the test data warehouse. Required if you choose the ODBC connection type.
JDBC Connection for ODBC
| The connection that the ODBC test data warehouse uses for the JDBC connection string.
Staging Schema
| The schema to use for creation of staging tables. Some jobs that you run from the self-service portal require a staging connection for staging tables. The test data warehouse connection must have access to the schema.
| Description
| Port number of the Test Data Warehouse Service. The default is 7705.
Enable Transport Layer Security (TLS)
| Secures communication between the Test Data Warehouse Service and the domain.
| Port number for the HTTPS connection.
Keystore File
| Path and file name of the keystore file. The keystore file contains the keys and certificates required if you use the SSL security protocol with the test data warehouse. Required if you select Enable Transport Layer Security.
Keystore Password
| Password for the keystore file. Required if you select Enable Secured Socket Layer.
SSL Protocol
| Secure Sockets Layer protocol to use. Default is TLS.
JVM Params
| The heap size allocated for the Test Data Warehouse Service processes.
- Xms256m -Xmx512m -XX:MaxMetaspaceSize=256m
The time after which database connections are renewed if the Test Data Warehouse Service remains idle. Required if you modified the database configuration settings to values less than the test data warehouse defaults.
Configure the following test data warehouse values to be less than the database values: