Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Part 1: Version 10.4.1
  3. Part 2: Version 10.4.0
  4. Part 3: Version 10.2.2
  5. Part 4: Version 10.2.1
  6. Part 5: Version 10.2
  7. Part 6: Version 10.1.1
  8. Part 7: Version 10.1

Release Guide (

Release Guide (

Address Validator Transformation

Address Validator Transformation

This section describes the new Address Validator transformation features.
The Address Validator transformation contains additional address functionality for the following countries:
Effective in version 10.1, you can return the eircode for an address in Ireland. An eircode is a seven-character code that uniquely identifies an Ireland address. The eircode system covers all residences, public buildings, and business premises and includes apartment addresses and addresses in rural townlands.
To return the eircode for an address, select a Postcode port or a Postcode Complete port.
Effective in version 10.1, address validation uses the Hexaligne 3 repository of the National Address Management Service to certify a France address to the SNA standard.
The Hexaligne 3 data set contains additional information on delivery point addresses, including sub-building details such as building names and residence names.
Effective in version 10.1, you can retrieve the three-digit street code part of the
or Freight Code as an enrichment to a valid Germany addresses. The street code identifies the street within the address.
To retrieve the street code as an enrichment to verified Germany addresses, select the Street Code DE port. Find the port in the DE Supplementary port group.
Informatica adds the Street Code DE port in version
South Korea
Effective in version 10.1, you can verify older, lot-based addresses and addresses with older, six-digit post codes in South Korea. You can verify and update addresses that use the current format, the older format, and a combination of the current and older formats. A current South Korea address has a street-based format and includes a five-digit post code. A non-current address has a lot-based format and includes a six-digit post code.
To verify a South Korea address in an older format and to change the information to another format, use the Address Identifier KR ports. You update the address information in two stages. First, run the address validation mapping in batch or interactive mode and select the Address Identifier KR output port. Then, run the address validation mapping in address code lookup mode and select the Address Identifier KR input port. Find the Address Identifier KR input port in the Discrete port group. Find the Address Identifier KR output port in the KR Supplementary port group.
To verify that the Address Validator transformation can read and write the address data, add the Supplementary KR Status port to the transformation.
Informatica adds the Address Identifier KR ports, the Supplementary KR Status port, and the KR Supplementary port group in version
Effective in version 10.1, you can retrieve South Korea address data in the Hangul script and in a Latin script.
United Kingdom
Effective in version 10.1, you can retrieve delivery point type data and organization key data for a United Kingdom address. The delivery point type is a single-character code that indicates whether the address points to a residence, a small organization, or a large organization. The organization key is an eight-digit code that the Royal Mail assigns to small organizations.
To add the delivery point type to a United Kingdom address, use the Delivery Point Type GB port. To add the organization key to a United Kingdom address, use the Organization Key GB port. Find the ports in the UK Supplementary port group. To verify that the Address Validator transformation can read and write the data, add the Supplementary UK Status port to the transformation.
Informatica adds the Delivery Point Type GB port and the Organization Key GB port in version
These features are also available in 9.6.1 HotFix 4. They are not available in 10.0.
For more information, see the
Informatica 10.1 Address Validator Port Reference


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