Table of Contents


  1. Abstract
  2. Support Changes
  3. Installation and Upgrade
  4. Hotfix Installation and Rollback
  5. 10.5.1 Fixed Limitations and Closed Enhancements
  6. 10.5.1 Known Limitations
  7. Cumulative Known Issues
  8. Emergency Bug Fixes Merged into 10.5.1
  9. Informatica Global Customer Support

Release Notes (10.5.1)

Release Notes (10.5.1)

Data Engineering Integration Fixed Issues (10.5.1)

Data Engineering Integration Fixed Issues (10.5.1)

Review the Release Notes of previous releases for information about previous fixed issues.
The following table describes fixed issues:
A SAML login attempt from the Administrator tool with an invalid credential fails as expected, but appears as a login attempt from the Native security domain. The attempt should appear in the log as a login attempt from a blank security domain.
When the Blaze engine runs the Sqoop mapping on Cloudera CDH version 6.3.4, the following error occurs:
GSSException: No valid credentials provided (Mechanism level: Failed to find any Kerberos tgt)
When the Spark engine runs a Sqoop mapping on Cloudera CDH version 6.3.4 to write data with the Date data type to a Greenplum target, the mapping fails with the following error:
org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: date out of range: "444001-10-28 BC +05:30"
In some cases, Intelligent Structure Discovery ignores blank cells in Microsoft Excel files.
If an XSD input contains a type element that doesn't exist in the schema that the intelligent structure model is based on, Intelligent Structure Discovery doesn't process the subsequent element.
Mappings that use intelligent structure models that are based on CSV, XML, or JSON sample files fail to run on Databricks 7.3 with the following error:
ERROR Uncaught throwable from user code: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/informatica/adapter/parser/atlantic/AtlanticDataFrameGenerator
In mappings that use Data Processor transformations, if the output port type is filename, the mapping develops memory leaks.
After you upgrade Informatica from version 10.2.2, the mappings fail as the DB Queue tables are not available. This issue occurs only in the SQL server.
Some third-party JAR files on the Data Integration Service machine can cause mappings that run on the Blaze engine to not appear in Blaze Job Monitor.
When the Spark engine runs an Update Strategy mapping, it truncates the data that it writes to a JDBC target even when truncation is not configured for the mapping.
Developer tool users without administrator-level permissions cannot view run-time applications or application objects.
The cluster configuration creation interface in the Administrator tool erroneously lists CDH 6.1 among the versions of Hadoop clusters from which to create a cluster configuration. Cloudera CDH 6.1 is not supported in Informatica version 10.5.
After you create a SQL data service and try to generate a mapping for a SQL query using the deployed SQLDS command, you get an error message similar to the following:
Command [prepareMapping] failed with error [[SQLCMN_10034] : The SQL Service Module encountered the following error while executing the SQL against the SQL data service: [com.informatica.ds.sql.jdbcdrv.PreparedStatementImpl cannot be cast to com.informatica.ds.sql.jdbcdrv.StatementImpl]]
Mappings with a Python transformation succeed on a Databricks 5.5 cluster but fail on a version 7.x cluster with an error like:
Job aborted due to stage failure: Task <n> in stage <n.n> failed 4 times, most recent failure: Lost task <n.n> in stage <n.n> ...
The remove command fails if you use a special character in the file name.
The filemanager utility log displays incorrect log tracing level for WARNING and INFO. You might see the log tracing level as SEVERE for WARNING or FINE for INFO.
If an error occurs during an evaluation of a regular expression function, the row is skipped with a transformation evaluation error instead of considering the default value of the column.


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