Release Notes (

Release Notes (

Third-party Known Issues (

Third-party Known Issues (

The following table describes known issues that were found in
BDM-39256, BDM-39251
Mappings run on Cloudera CDH version 7.1 cluster might fail when the following conditions are true:
  • The mapping reads from or writes to hive data object with LLAP enabled.
  • The mapping runs on the Spark engine.
You might see the following error:
Caused by: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.apache.hadoop.hive.llap.FieldDesc.getTypeInfo()Lshadehive/org/apache/hadoop/hive/serde2/typeinfo/TypeInfo;Caused by: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.apache.hadoop.hive.llap.FieldDesc.getTypeInfo()Lshadehive/org/apache/hadoop/hive/serde2/typeinfo/TypeInfo; at com.hortonworks.spark.sql.hive.llap.util.SchemaUtil.convertSchema(
Cloudera ticket reference number: 825814
The TO_DATE function renders the date 0001-01-01 as 0002-01-01 when a mapping that runs on the Spark engine converts a Hive text table to Hive Parquet. The issue was observed using Amazon EMR 5.20, HDInsight 3.1, and Cloudera CDP, and Dataproc 2.0
Spark ticket reference number: SPARK-25919, SPARK-36459.
BDM-38954, BDM-38938
When you aggregate log files for a data engineering job run on a Cloudera CDP Public Cloud cluster, the Data Integration Service fails to aggregate logs in the following situations:
  • The job is a mapping run on the Blaze or Spark engine.
  • The job is a data preview job run on the Spark engine.
When the application state is
, run the following command on the node that runs the job:
kinit -fkt <Kerberos keytab> <Service Principal Name>
Cloudera ticket reference number: 817615
When you aggregate log files for a data engineering job run on a Cloudera CDP Public Cloud cluster that uses Apache Knox authentication, the job fails to aggregate logs from the node manager. Aggregating the logs fails with the following error:
SEVERE: [CORE_0003] An internal exception occurred with message: Connection refused (Connection refused)
Cloudera ticket reference number: 817524


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