Convert Electronic Health Information from HL7 to FHIR

Convert Electronic Health Information from HL7 to FHIR

Convert electronic health information from HL7 to FHIR overview

Convert electronic health information from HL7 to FHIR overview

Industry solutions for healthcare and life sciences include recipes that convert HL7 2.x messages to FHIR R4 bundles to enable interoperability between systems that use different healthcare standards. For example, you can convert patient registration data in an HL7 message to a FHIR bundle so that an application on the FHIR standard can use the data.
You can use the following industry solutions recipes to exchange electronic health information from HL7 to FHIR:
  • Convert patient admission data from HL7 ADT A01 to FHIR R4
  • Convert patient registration data from HL7 ADT A04 to FHIR R4
  • Convert patient update information from HL7 ADT A08 to FHIR R4
  • Convert laboratory order data from HL7 OML O21 to FHIR R4
  • Convert general order entry data from HL7 ORM O01 to FHIR R4
  • Convert unsolicitated observation result data from HL7 ORU R01 to FHIR R4
  • Convert unsolicitated vaccination update data from HL7 VXU V04 to FHIR R4
Watch an interactive demo to know more about how to use this recipe.


A doctor orders lab work for a patient and the event generates an ORM message in the practice's EMR system using the HL7 2.x standard. The patient must be transferred to a lab outside of the practice that operates solely on the FHIR R4 standard. To exchange data between the practice and the lab, you can use an industry solutions recipe to convert the HL7 ORM message to a FHIR bundle.


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