Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Part 1: Using Process Developer
  3. Part 2: Creating and Modifying Processes
  4. Part 3: Functions, Events, Errors, and Correlation
  5. Part 4: Testing and Deployment
  6. Part 5: Process Central and Process Server (On-Premises)

Process Developer

Process Developer

Running a BPEL Unit Test in Process Developer

Running a BPEL Unit Test in Process Developer

You can run B-unit tests from an Ant script outside of Process Developer or from the B-unit View within Process Developer. For details on command line execution, see Creating and Running a B-unit Ant Script.
You can run a B-unit test in Process Developer by using the Run As command from several locations, including right-mouse clicking on a B-unit test or test suite in the Project Explorer and selecting
Run As > B-unit
The B-unit view opens and runs the test. The following examples show a B-unit with a completed test and a failed test:
You can also run one test from a B-unit suite, as described in Creating and Running BPEL Unit Test Suites.
When you run a test the following events occur:
  • The B-unit view opens to show the progress of the test.
  • The Console shows the output of the test. By default, it includes the trace events and the process execution. For details of these events, see Editing a B-unit File.
  • If a test fails, a failure message displays in the B-unit view. For certain test errors, you can double-click on the test that failed, and a Text Compare Editor opens to show actual and expected results.
  • In the Text Compare Editor, the differences between the expected and actual results are shown. You can use the
    Toggle On/Off Normalized View
    to simplify looking for file differences. You can also set a color preference for the Text Compare Editor, as described in Colors and Fonts Preferences.
When the test completes, you can click on an event in the B-unit view to go directly to that section of the B-unit test in the B-unit editor.
In the B-unit view, use the toolbar icons:
  • Show Failures
    . Select this to filter the view to show only tests that fail.
  • Rerun Test
    . Once you run one test, you can rerun it from the B-unit view.
  • Rerun All Failures
    . Rerun failed tests from the B-unit view.
  • History
    . Remembers the last 15 unit tests run. You can select a test from the list based on the name of the B-unit file.


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