Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Part 1: Using Process Developer
  3. Part 2: Creating and Modifying Processes
  4. Part 3: Functions, Events, Errors, and Correlation
  5. Part 4: Testing and Deployment
  6. Part 5: Process Central and Process Server (On-Premises)

Process Developer

Process Developer

Configuring Custom Columns for Task Roles Filtering

Configuring Custom Columns for Task Roles Filtering

In the Task Role Filters section of the
file, you can add the task column names you want to display for a category (folder) of tasks. There is a default configuration of column names, and you can add to or replace the columns displayed.
  • To add standard WS-HT column names, see WS-HT Task Property List elsewhere in this help
  • To add custom column names see Creating Custom Task Properties elsewhere in this help
  • To localize the column names, see the example below
Default Configuration
The default configuration for
uses standard WS-HT task properties (all prefixed with
<avccom:taskColumns> <avccom:taskColumn property="Task.Id">Id</avccom:taskColumn> <avccom:taskColumn property="Task.Status"></avccom:taskColumn> <avccom:taskColumn property="Task.Priority"></avccom:taskColumn> <avccom:taskColumn property="Task.Name"></avccom:taskColumn> <avccom:taskColumn property="Task.PresSubject"></avccom:taskColumn> <avccom:taskColumn property="Task.CreatedOn"></avccom:taskColumn> </avccom:taskColumns>
To replace or add to these columns, you can add your own column specification, using a custom task property, such as:
<avccom:taskColumn property="first">First Name</avccom:taskColumn>
You must create the custom column names as part of the task definition in a People activity.
To localize the column name, you can specify a key from a message properties file that you create. For example, the column name below is specified as
<avccom:taskColumn property="Task.CreatedOn" type="dateTime">${bundle.key}</avccom:taskColumn>
For details on creating a message properties file, see Adding Multilingual Support for Task Forms.
The following sample Task Role Filter section illustrates the use of custom columns for Process Central.
<!-- Example - adding a new category/folder called Hello Tasks. This folder will appear in the All role. --> <tns:taskRoleFilterDefs> <tns:taskRoleFilterDef id="ae-avc-role-all" name="${}"> <tns:taskFilterCategoryDef id="custom-cat" name="Hello Tasks"> <avccom:allowedRoles> </avccom:allowedRoles> <!-- Define custom columns that appear in Process Central (or remove/comment out root element to use default column list provided out of the box). --> <avccom:taskColumns> <!-- Task.Id, Task.Status and Task.Name are standard WS-HT columns. --> <avccom:taskColumn property="Task.Id">Id</avccom:taskColumn> <avccom:taskColumn property="Task.Status"></avccom:taskColumn> <avccom:taskColumn property="Task.Name">Task Name</avccom:taskColumn> <avccom:taskColumn property="Task.PresName"> Display Name</avccom:taskColumn> <!-- You can also specify the column data formatting via the type attribute. Useful values are date, dateTime and boolean. The column display name can also be externalized via ${18n.key} method. --> <avccom:taskColumn property="Task.CreatedOn"type="dateTime"> ${bundle.key}</avccom:taskColumn> <!-- The property names 'first' and 'last' are WSHT task presentation parameters defined in your tasks (custom properties). --> <avccom:taskColumn property="first">First Name</avccom:taskColumn> <avccom:taskColumn property="surname">Surname (Last Name)</avccom:taskColumn> </avccom:taskColumns> <avccom:taskFilterDefRef ref="ae-avc-user-open-all"/> <avccom:taskFilterDefRef ref="ae-avc-user-open-unclaimed"/> <avccom:taskFilterDefRef ref="ae-avc-user-open-claimed"/> <avccom:taskFilterDefRef ref="ae-avc-user-open-suspended"/> </tns:taskFilterCategoryDef> </tns:taskRoleFilterDef> </tns:taskRoleFilterDefs>


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