To receive messages that a partner sends to the organization,
B2B Gateway
runs an inbound flow according to the defined schedule.
The inbound flow for EDI messages includes the following stages:
When an inbound process runs,
B2B Gateway
runs the
B2B Gateway
pre-packaged, EDI processing mapping. The source and target of the mapping are based on the source and target details from the partners definition metadata. The source of the mapping is the location from where to read the incoming messages, and the target of the mapping is an interface file on
B2B Gateway
The mapping converts the EDI messages to XML interface files, one file for each functional group, and places the files on
B2B Gateway
B2B Gateway
validates the incoming messages. If any of the validations fail,
B2B Gateway
rejects the message and creates an error event.
If during partner configuration you selected to send technical or functional acknowledgments to the partner,
B2B Gateway
sends an EDI functional and technical acknowledgment to the partner.
If during partner configuration you assigned a process-to-backend custom mapping for the inbound flow,
B2B Gateway
runs the mapping.
If you assigned values to mapping parameters during partner configuration,
B2B Gateway
uses the values in the mapping flow.
If you did not assign a mapping, the inbound process ends with the placement of the interface files on
B2B Gateway
. You can use your own method to processes the interface files to your backend systems.
The following image shows the processing flow for an inbound EDI file: