Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Introduction to Amazon S3 V2 Connector
  3. Connections for Amazon S3 V2
  4. Amazon S3 V2 sources and targets
  5. Mappings and mapping tasks with Amazon S3 V2
  6. Migrating a mapping
  7. Upgrading to Amazon S3 V2 Connector
  8. Data type reference
  9. Troubleshooting

Amazon S3 V2 Connector

Amazon S3 V2 Connector

Rules and guidelines

Rules and guidelines

Consider the following rules and guidelines when you use the same or a different object path for the migrated mapping :
  • The following table lists the transformation, object type, and the fields in the advanced properties of a mapping that you can retain when you migrate to the new environment:
    Object Type
    Advanced Fields
    Single object
    Folder path and file name
    Single object
    Single object
  • After you migrate the mapping from Org1 to Org2, you must not edit the mapping.
  • For an existing target object in Org2, you must specify the folder path and file name in the advanced properties. If the object does not exist in Org2 or the connection does not have access to the object that you used in Org1, the mapping fails with a 403 error.
  • Ensure that you specify a valid folder and file name in the advanced properties. Otherwise, the mapping fails.
  • When you use the FileName field in a target object, override the folder path and file name, and migrate the mapping to Org2, the mapping fails with a 403 error. This issue occurs if the connection in Org2 does not have access to the bucket, object, and folder path that you used in Org1.
  • When you specify wildcard characters in the folder path advanced property, all folders that match the name pattern must contain files with the same metadata and formatting options.
  • When you recursively read files from subdirectories, the folder path advanced property that you override must contain a file in the directory.
    For example, if you specify the folder path as
    , ensure that a file is present in the directory,
    If the folder path advanced property contains files only in the subdirectories and no file in the directory, the mapping fails.
  • You cannot dynamically refresh the data object schema at runtime. You must maintain the same metadata for the table selected in the source, target, or lookup transformations and the corresponding advanced field overrides as schema change handling is not supported.
  • You can configure all encryption types, except Informatica encryption, in a mapping that you migrate to the new environment.
  • When you select the source type as Directory, delete any auto-generated transactional files, for example,
    , for the mapping to run successfully. The
    files are ignored.
  • If you do not provide the bucket name and specify the folder path in the advanced property starting with a slash (/) in the
    format, the folder path appends with the folder path that you specified in the connection properties.
    For example, if you specify the
    folder path in the advanced property and
    folder path in the connection property, the folder path appends with the folder path that you specified in the connection properties in the
    If you specify the
    folder path in the connection property and
    folder path in the advanced property, the Secure Agent writes the file in the
    folder path.
  • Ensure that you specify a valid override folder path in the advanced properties for a mapping in advanced mode. If the override folder path pattern does not match with the actual folder path, the mapping fails.
  • When the source object is enabled for recursive read in the mapping, after the migration, make sure you have a file in the parent directory in the overridden folder path specified for the source object, or manually reselect the object. Otherwise, the mapping fails.


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