SAP HANA Connector

SAP HANA Connector

Rules and guidelines for SAP HANA mappings

Rules and guidelines for SAP HANA mappings

Consider the following rules and guidelines when you configure an SAP HANA mapping:
  • When you create a target using the
    Create New at Runtime
    option, you can't use records with the Time data types.
  • You can't read
    or write
    data that contains Unicode characters in the SAP HANA table name or the column name.
  • When you configure a mapping with the
    Create New at Runtime
    option and the source table type is a row or column, the Secure Agent creates a row-based table, irrespective of the source table type.
  • When you create a target using the
    Create New at Runtime
    option, ensure that the length of any of the columns in the HANA target table must not exceed 5000 characters.
  • You can't override the source
    and target object
    parameters in an SAP HANA mapping at run time with values specified in a parameter file.
  • You can't override the SAP HANA connection in a mapping at run time with values specified in a parameter file.
  • If you want to configure an advanced filter using both input parameters and field conditions to read data from an SAP HANA modelling view, the filter conditions must have the following query syntax:
    "<Package name>/<Modelling view name>".<Input parameter name> = '<Input parameter value>' AND "<Package name>/<Modelling view name>"."<Field name>" = '<Field value>'
  • To run a mapping that reads data from
    or writes data to
    an SAP HANA table, ensure that the SAP HANA table name does not contain the double quote character at the beginning of the table name. Otherwise the mapping fails at run time.
  • To filter data from an SAP HANA modelling view using a simple data filter that contains an integer type input parameter, enclose the input parameter value in single quotes in the filter expression.
  • Do not configure nested in-out parameters in the query source type when you read from SAP HANA.


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