Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Function reference
  3. Constants
  4. Operators
  5. Dates
  6. Functions
  7. System variables
  8. Datatype reference

Function Reference

Function Reference

Operator precedence

Operator precedence

When you create an expression, you can use multiple operators and use operators within nested expressions.
If you write an expression that includes multiple operators,
Data Integration
evaluates the expression in the following order:
  1. Complex operators
  2. Arithmetic operators
  3. String operators
  4. Comparison operators
  5. Logical operators
Data Integration
evaluates operators in the order they appear in the following table. It evaluates operators in an expression with equal precedence to all operators from left to right.
The following table lists the precedence for all transformation language operators:
[ ], .
Subscript, dot.
( )
+, -, NOT
Unary plus and minus and the logical NOT operator.
*, /, %
Multiplication, division, modulus.
+, -
Addition, subtraction.
<, <=, >, >=
Less than, less than or equal to, greater than, greater than or equal to.
=, <>, !=, ^=
Equal to, not equal to, not equal to, not equal to.
Logical AND operator, used when specifying conditions.
Logical OR operator, used when specifying conditions.
You can use operators within nested expressions. When expressions contain parentheses,
Data Integration
evaluates operations inside parentheses before operations outside parentheses. Operations in the innermost parentheses are evaluated first.
For example, depending on how you nest the operations, the equation 8 + 5 - 2 * 8 returns different values:
Return value
8 + 5 - 2 * 8
8 + (5 - 2) * 8


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