Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Taskflows and linear taskflows
  3. Taskflows
  4. Linear taskflows



Passing inputs through a REST client

Passing inputs through a REST client

When you have multiple input values to pass and have a complex body, you can use a REST client such as Postman. You must use the service URL and the API definition available in the Swagger file to send a request through a REST client. The Swagger file contains the operation name, authentication method, and the input for the taskflow. You can use the Swagger editor to parse the Swagger file and get the Swagger request.
The following is a sample swagger request:
{ "input": "ACCOUNT.csv", "inputConn": { "input": { "source": { "Source": { "object": "RetailCustomer", "connection": "0100000B000000000004" } }, "connectionNameParam": "ACCOUNT.csv" } } }
  1. Open Postman.
  2. Select the HTTP verb such as GET or POST and specify the generated REST service URL as shown in the following image:
    The image shows the HTTP verb and the REST service URL specified in Postman.
  3. Enter the user account details in the
  4. Specify the swagger request in the
    tab as shown in the following image:
    The image shows the swagger request specified in the Body tab.
  5. Specify the input values in the request body.
  6. Click
    You receive the taskflow run ID as the response as shown in the following image:
    The image shows the taskflow run ID as the response. You can monitor the taskflow execution by using the run ID.


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