Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Introducing Monitor
  3. Monitoring jobs
  4. Monitoring Data Integration jobs
  5. Data Integration job log files
  6. Monitoring Data Profiling jobs
  7. Monitoring imports and exports
  8. Monitoring file transfer jobs
  9. Monitoring Data Ingestion and Replication jobs
  10. Monitoring advanced clusters
  11. Monitoring source control logs



Viewing SFTP file transfer logs

Viewing SFTP file transfer logs

To view a list of the SFTP file transfer logs, in
, click
File Transfer Logs
To filter the list for SFTP file transfer logs, select
File Transfer Logs
page lists SFTP file transfer logs and provides status information. When the
File Transfer Logs
page is filtered for SFTP logs, it shows the SFTP command, as well.
The following image shows a
File Transfer Logs
page that is filtered for SFTP logs:
The File Transfer Logs page shows multiple SFTP file transfer logs. For each log, the page shows the instance name, the asset type, the command type, the date and time that the action executed by the command ended, the number of files included in the action, and the status of the action.
When the
File Transfer Logs
page is filtered for SFTP logs, it includes the following properties for each SFTP log:
Instance Name
Name of the SFTP file transfer instance.
Asset Type
SFTP Server.
Command type, such as connect, login, or upload.
End Time
Date and time that the action executed by the command ended.
# of Files
Number of files included in the action.
Status of the action, success or failed.


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