Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Part 1: Introducing Operational Insights
  3. Part 2: Monitoring Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services
  4. Part 3: Monitoring on-premises applications

Operational Insights

Operational Insights

View Data Integration connections

Data Integration

Click the
tab to view analytics for the connections in the organization.
Each time a connection is accessed,
Operational Insights
logs the connection details on the
tab. The information on the tab is updated every hour.
Operational Insights
groups the connections in your organization based on the connector type. In the
Connector Type
Operational Insights
shows the number of active and the number of idle connections of each type. An active connection was used to run at least one job in the last 33 days. An idle connection was not used to run a job in the last 33 days.
By default,
Operational Insights
displays details for the most common connector type in your organization. To view details about the connections of a specific type, click the connector type in the
Connector Type
area. The
No. of Connections
area displays the number of active and idle connections for the connector type. Click a number to view aggregated details of the active connections in the
table from the last 24 hours. Click the connector type again to deselect it and view details for all connections accessed in the last 24 hours.
Click the number of active connections to view connection usage trends on the
Connection Usage Trend
area. You can select up to five connections from the
table to view. View connection usage data on the
Rows Read
and the
Rows Written
charts according to time duration from one day through one month.
You can view up to 16 connector types at a time. To select the connector types to view, click
View More
You can apply filters to see connections in a specific runtime environment or connections that use a specific Secure Agent.
The following image shows the
tab filtered to show flat file connections:
The Connections tab shows seven connector types in the Connector Types area with the flat file connector type selected. The Number of Connections area shows 35 active and 987 idle connections. The connections table shows 204 flat file connections and the name, connector, runtime environment, secure agent, last accessed date, rows read, rows written, and status for each connection.


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