Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Part 1: Introduction to Amazon Redshift connectors
  3. Part 2: Data Integration with Amazon Redshift V2 Connector
  4. Part 3: Data Integration with Amazon Redshift Connector

Amazon Redshift Connectors

Amazon Redshift Connectors

Rules and guidelines for SQL transformation

Rules and guidelines for SQL transformation

Consider the following rules and guidelines for a SQL transformation:
  • When you configure a SQL transformation in a mapping enabled for
    SQL ELT optimization
    and use the DATE_PART function in a query, the task fails. You can only configure a SQL transformation using the simple SELECT statement for any Redshift supported scalar function with the prescribed format.
  • When you configure a SQL transformation in a mapping with user-defined functions that have date, decimal, or smallint data types, the mapping fails. As a workaround, configure user-defined functions in Redshift only with the corresponding transformation data types supported in Amazon Redshift.
  • When you run a mapping with SQL transformation, and define user-defined functions (UDFs) with Unicode or special characters, enclose the schema and UDF in double quotes.
  • When you run a mapping with SQL transformation having multiple select queries, the mapping fails. Amazon Redshift only supports SQL transformations with a single simple select query.
  • When you use user-defined functions and scalar functions together in the same query to partially push down a mapping logic, the mapping fails if the target data type does not match with the source type. As a workaround, you can enable full
    SQL ELT optimization
    or define only scalar functions in the query.


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