Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Part 1: Getting Started with Snowflake Data Cloud Connector
  3. Part 2: Data Integration with Snowflake Data Cloud Connector
  4. Part 3: SQL ELT with Snowflake Data Cloud Connector
  5. Appendix A: Data type reference
  6. Appendix B: Additional runtime configurations
  7. Appendix C: Upgrading to Snowflake Data Cloud Connector

Snowflake Data Cloud Connector

Snowflake Data Cloud Connector

Configuring storage integration for Microsoft Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2

Configuring storage integration for Microsoft Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2

Create a storage integration to allow Snowflake to read data from the Microsoft Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 container.
You can refer to the Snowflake documentation to perform the following steps:
  1. Create a Cloud Storage Integration in Snowflake.
  2. Retrieve the Cloud Storage Service account for your Snowflake account. See Granting access to the storage locations
  3. Grant the service account permissions to access the bucket objects.
    1. Create a custom IAM role.
    2. Assign the custom role to the Cloud Storage Service account.
  4. Grant permissions for the role to create an external stage.
    The role must have the CREATE STAGE privilege on the schema and the USAGE privilege on the storage integration.
    For example, run the following commands to grant these privileges:
    grant create stage on schema public to role myrole; grant usage on integration adls_int to role myrole;


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